Would you like to learn more about spinal cord injury?
Find out what it means for patients and their bodies when all of a sudden everything works differently – or not at all.
Learn how professional rehabilitation can increase the chances of success, as well as the possibilities for integration and education. And finally, discover just how vital a role the environment plays in helping patients to overcome barriers.
Are you a patient or academic and interested in research?
You too can learn how research benefits our work!
Research helps to improve existing know-how and uncover new techniques. For this reason, Swiss Paraplegic Research has teamed up with the Clinical Research Department of the Swiss Paraplegic Centre to explore a variety of research topics on spinal cord injury. Learn more about our research topics and discover how patients can take part in the development of new therapies and treatments.
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We offer a wide and diverse range of further training Options!
Immerse yourself in a world of paraplegia research!
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