For patients

At the Swiss Paraplegic Group (SPG), research is an essential element that allows us to continuously examine and improve the treatment and lifelong assistance offered to people with spinal cord injuries and spinal cord injury-related disorders.

Most SPG research is conducted by Swiss Paraplegic Research (SPR) and the Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPC) on a variety of interrelated topics.


Functional electrostimulation 

Would you like to participate in a study as a patient?

General study information

You can search for current projects on specific topics (e.g. spinal cord injury or paraplegia) in both the national and international study directories.


Participating in studies

If you would like to participate in a certain study as a patient, please use the appropriate contact address to get in touch with the study coordinators. For general information on how to participate in a study after suffering a spinal cord injury, please click here.  


Data privacy

The SPG only conducts research projects that have first been approved by its various ethics committees. All research data is subject to the strictest data protection regulations and only used in encrypted form. This means that during research analyses, your data is used as code and cannot be traced back to you. 

Networks and information dedicated to spinal cord injury

Swiss Paraplegic Research launched an online community in 2017. This community allows people with spinal cord injuries, as well as their friends and families, to exchange information and know-how about spinal cord injury.

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