Legal information

Here you will find details of the imprint, disclaimer, data protection policy and general terms and conditions of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation and its subsidiaries.

  • Concept, editing & support
    Swiss Paraplegic Foundation, Corporate Communication

    Implementation, support & hosting
    Hinderling Volkart, Zürich
    Amazee Labs, Zürich
    Swiss Paraplegic Foundation, Corporate Communication

    Concept & design
    Hinderling Volkart, Zürich

    Swiss Paraplegic Foundation, Corporate Communication

    File format
    We have generally used PDF as the format for all the documents which appear on our website. ( Adobe Portable Document Format )
    To open these documents you require Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or higher, which is available to download free of charge.

  • Disclaimer

    1 . General

    1.1 Scope of application

    This disclaimer applies to the website and all the domains and pages (hereinafter referred to as “SPF Websites”) operated by the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “SPF”).

    2. Data privacy

    The SPF and its subsidiaries take the protection of personal data very seriously. As per Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the data protection regulations of the Swiss Confederation and its cantons (Federal Act on Data Protection, FADP), each individual is entitled to the protection of their privacy, as well as to protection against the misuse of their personal data. We treat all personal data with the utmost confidentiality, and neither sell nor pass this data on to third parties.

    This disclaimer contains information for the users of our Internet services ( regarding the personal data that is stored and how this data is used.

    2.1 Cookies

    This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are permanently or temporarily (maximum two years) saved on your computer when you visit a website. In particular, cookies enable us to perform a statistical analysis of how this website is used and continue to make improvements.
    At any time, you can fully or partially enable or disable cookies in the settings of your browser. By disabling cookies, however, you will no longer be able to use all the features of this website.

    2.2 Google Analytics

    This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to allow your use of this website to be analysed. The information created by a cookie with regard to your use of this website (including your IP address) is sent to a Google server in the USA, where it is stored. The SPF, however, is unable to see your IP address.

    This website has enabled IP anonymisation. As a result, Google will shorten your IP address before it is sent to entities within the European Union or other nations included in the Agreement on the European Economic Area. On rare occasions, your entire IP address may be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

    Google uses this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on the website’s activity for the website operator and to provide further services associated with the use of the website and Internet. Google may also pass this information on to third parties, provided that this is permitted by law or that third parties have been hired by Google to process the data.
    Under no circumstances will Google link your shortened IP address to other Google data. If you wish to disable Google Analytics, you can do so at: ( Please note, however, that if you choose to disable Google Analytics, you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of this website. By using this website, you agree that Google may process any personal data it collects in the way and for the purpose described above. Additional information on Google and data protection can be found here:

    2.3 Facebook retargeting

    This website uses the “Custom Audiences” remarketing function offered by Facebook Inc. (“Facebook”). This function allows the visitors of this website to be presented with personalised ads (“Facebook Ads") while visiting the social networking site Facebook. Facebook’s remarketing tag has been added to this website for this purpose. This tag allows for a direct connection to be established to Facebook’s servers when you visit the website. As a result, Facebook’s servers will learn that you visited this website, and pair this information with your Facebook account. Please note that as the provider of this website, we receive no knowledge of the content that is transmitted, nor of how Facebook uses it. For more information, please see Facebook’s data policy: You may also choose to disable the “Custom Audiences” remarketing function at:

    2.4 Retargeting and data collection by third parties for banner ads

    We use the services of the following third parties (who can also be found on our cookies page) for retargeting and banner ads:

    Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA;

    2.5 RaiseNow

    RaiseNow lets users make quick and easy payments via the Internet. The certified online payment platform has been designed especially for not-for-profit organisations and relief agencies. RaiseNow makes credit and debit card transactions quick and easy, both for you as the card holder and for the provider.

    2.6 Exclusion of liability

    All information published on the SPF Websites is carefully checked in order to guarantee its integrity. However, the SPF in no way assumes responsibility for the relevance, completeness, correctness or accuracy of the information provided. This applies, in particular, to third-party websites that are referenced via links or tools (videos, advertisements, etc.) by the SPF Websites.

    The Swiss Paraplegic Foundation shall accept no liability for any direct or indirect damage or consequential damage which may arise as a result of the information provided, especially information provided by third parties.

    All offers are non-binding. The SPF reserves the explicit right, without any prior notice, to modify, amend, delete or temporarily or definitively discontinue the publication of parts of individual pages or the SPF Websites in their entirety.

    2.7 Copyright

    All content on the SPF Websites is protected by copyright. It may not be modified, reproduced, referenced, transferred or used for public or commercial purposes, in full or in part, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

    The ownership rights of all the Internet services (or parts thereof), of documents and of other internally generated information shall remain the property of the SPF, even after the downloading, copying, processing, etc. of such information.

    No rights shall be granted by the aforementioned actions. The SPF reserves all rights (especially copyright and trademark rights) with regard to all elements of the SPF Websites, and may take full advantage of all opportunities to enforce these rights.

    The SPF name and logos are protected. Use of the SPF Websites does not in any way grant the user a license or the right to use an image, a registered trademark or a logo.

    Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

    Only Swiss law shall apply. The place of jurisdiction is Lucerne.

    Nottwil, April 2018


  • Es freut uns, wenn Sie aktiv auf unseren digitalen Kanälen interagieren. Wir wünschen uns aber eine respektvolle, sachliche und konstruktive Diskussion. Deshalb beachten Sie bitte folgendes:

    1. Denken Sie daran, dass bei geschriebener Kommunikation schneller Missverständnisse entstehen können, als bei face-to-face-Kommunikation. Drücken Sie sich bitte eindeutig aus.
    2. Sie haben es mit realen Menschen und nicht mit virtuellen Persönlichkeiten zu tun.
    3. Behandeln Sie andere immer so, wie Sie selbst behandelt werden möchten – mit Anstand und Respekt.
    4. Vermeiden Sie ironische Bemerkungen -  diese führen leicht zu Missverständnissen.
    5. Überlegen Sie, bevor Sie schreiben und auf «veröffentlichen» klicken.
    6. Verwenden oder zitieren Sie fremde Inhalte, nennen Sie den Urheber.
    7. Achten Sie auf Persönlichkeits-, Bild- und Urheberrechte.

    Diese Netiquette gilt für sämtliche digitalen Kanäle der Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung.


    Wir tolerieren keine Inhalte/Äusserungen/Kommentare die:

    • Personen bewusst provozieren, beleidigen und beschimpfen.
    • Personen aufgrund von Religion, Nationalität, Hautfarbe, sexueller Orientierung, politischer Gesinnung, körperlicher, geistiger oder psychischer Behinderung, Alter oder Geschlecht herabwürdigen.
    • Gewalt verherrlichen, dazu oder zu sonstigen Straftaten aufrufen.
    • rechtswidrig, persönlichkeits- oder ehrverletzend, beleidigend, diffamierend oder verleumderisch, ruf- und geschäftsschädigend, pornografisch oder rassistisch sind.
    • kommerzielle oder politische Werbung tragen.

    Inhalte, die auf den digitalen Kanälen der Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung veröffentlicht werden, dürfen nicht den Eindruck erwecken, von uns zu stammen, wenn dies nicht der Fall ist.

    Die Nutzer sind für alle von ihnen veröffentlichten Inhalte selber verantwortlich. Sie versichern, dass keine Urheberrechte, Datenbankrechte, Markenrechte oder anderes geistiges Eigentum bzw. persönliche Rechte von Dritten verletzt werden.

    Die Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung übernimmt keine Haftung für Inhalte von Dritten auf ihren digitalen Kanälen.

    Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, jederzeit nach eigenem Ermessen jegliches Material, das gegen eine dieser Vorschriften verstösst, zu blockieren, zurückzuhalten oder zu entfernen. Ohne jegliche Rücksprache mit dem Verfasser. Es besteht kein Recht auf Veröffentlichung.


    Nottwil, 6. Juli 2018

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