ParaForum shop
A special souvenir
You will find a small but special selection of products in the ParaForum Visitor Centre shop. There are souvenirs and small gifts to take back for the people who stayed home. Your purchase will support various projects of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation.
Our products are only available to buy in the Visitor Centre.
Selection of available products
At home on the campus
On your way to the Visitor Centre, you will walk past the Heidschnucke sheep enclosure. The first sheep came to the Nottwil Campus as early as 1990 and continue to delight employees and patients today. You can buy a model of a Heidschnucke sheep in our shop. Lovingly hand-made by Traufer Holzspielwaren in Hofstetten bei Brienz.

The inclusion sock

The Swiss Classic
Every hiking rucksack should contain the Classic. The Victorinox pocket knife has 12 different functions and has also proved its worth as a reliable helper in day-to-day life.

Ich dreh' am Rad...ça Roule...la ruota della fortuna
Ideal for your day-to-day shopping. Our fabric bags are made of thin quality cotton or thicker organic cotton. They are easy to fold up and are available in various colours. Suitable as a gift or as your own day-to-day companion.

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