• Beratung

    Support today and every day

We are here for you

If you are living with a spinal cord injury, you may be experiencing some drastic changes. Suddenly everything is new, different, and even worrisome.

Our aim is to offer patients treatment with a comprehensive approach. This means that we are not only concerned about your paralysis and its consequences, but also about your best possible reintegration into society, family and work. 

Services offered by the Swiss Paraplegics Association

The Swiss Paraplegics Association (SPA) is the national self-help organisation for persons living with spinal cord injuries. The SPA offers a wide range of services to help you for a lifetime.

Guidance at home by ParaHelp

ParaHelp offers care counselling and training for persons with congenital, acquired, or illness-related spinal cord injuries throughout Switzerland. Together with the patients themselves, their loved ones and the relevant experts, we develop individual solutions for the challenges of everyday life. This includes, but is not limited to, prevention and handling of complications due to paralysis, support services for family caregivers, and coordinated healthcare. The objective is to maintain and enhance the highest possible level of independence and quality of life for persons living with a spinal cord injury.

Discussions with people in a similar situation

In the Facebook group for wheelchair users in Switzerland and the online community for people with a spinal cord injury, their relatives and friends, you will find a receptive forum, an opportunity for discussions, as well as tips and advice.

Further information resources

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