Privacy Policy ParaHelp

Information on the collection of personal data at Parahelp AG

Parahelp AG (ParaHelp) dedicates its utmost attention to data protection.

This information is intended to show you how we process your personal data at ParaHelp and inform you of your rights grounded in data protection law.

The SPG Privacy Policy informs you about data collected via the website.

1. Who is responsible for the data processing and who can I contact?

Data processing is the responsibility of:

ParaHelp AG
Guido A. Zäch Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil

The data protection officer can be contacted at:

Swiss Paraplegic Group
Information security and data protection officer
Guido A. Zäch Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil

2. What sources do we use?

We process all of your personal data that we receive from you in the context of a treatment relationship to you as a customer and any that we receive from the referring medical practice. We also collect data during the treatment.

As part of an application procedure, you make your personal data available to ParaHelp via your application for the purpose of job searching. Your data is processed by the HR department of the Swiss Paraplegic Centre and stored and processed on the systems of our software partner Haufe-umantis AG.

There is the possibility that you will be captured by our surveillance cameras at various public places (e.g. car parks, material handling areas, entrances and exits of SPG buildings) – the places will be marked.

3. Which data is collected?

If you are a customer, we collect all data relating to your health which is relevant to the medical treatment and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation also includes our efforts to reintegrate you into your day-to-day working life. Health data is particularly sensitive personal data and will also be protected by professional secrecy (Article 321 SCC) within the context of the treatment.

Within the course of an application procedure, the data from the application documents such as your cover letter, CV, professional, educational and training qualifications as well as work references are collected.

Surveillance cameras on the Paraplegic Group campus (including car parks) film all people. Facial recognition software is not used.

4. Why do we process your data (purpose of processing)?

We process your personal data in accordance with data protection law. Your patient data is processed for the purpose of ensuring the treatment is as successful as possible and for adhering to our legal obligations under health law. The purpose of the data processing is primarily based on the treatment/rehabilitation.

The data collected for an application is stored in the above applicant database and is only stored, evaluated, processed or passed on within the company within the context of your application. It can only be accessed by employees of SPC’s HR department and the people at ParaHelp responsible for the selection process. Your data will never be passed on to another person or company or used for other purposes.

Video surveillance is used to deny access to the premises to unauthorised persons and to collect evidence in the event of theft and property damage. In the event of criminal offences, property damage, etc., it should also be possible to provide investigating authorities with relevant information which could help to determine the perpetrators.

5. Who receives my data?

Within ParaHelp, those bodies that need your data to fulfil our contractual and legal obligations will have access to it. Service providers and vicarious agents can receive data for these purposes. They must observe professional secrecy in this respect.

ParaHelp employees are bound by professional secrecy and are obliged to keep confidential all patient-related facts and evaluations they have gained knowledge of as part of their work. Information about you may only be passed on if legal provisions stipulate this, you have given your consent or the supervisory authorities have released someone from the treatment team from their duty of confidentiality.

The transfer of data to health and accident insurance companies constitutes a legal basis for the transfer of patient data.

If claims for benefits are lodged with invalidity insurance companies, the persons and authorities mentioned in the application are entitled to share all information with the bodies of the invalidity insurance company and provide all documents required to clarify benefit and recourse claims.

Information will only be passed on to external therapists, nursing homes, employers, training and internship organisations and authorities with your consent.

The HR department at the SPC is responsible for managing personnel at ParaHelp. Applicant data is processed by the SPC HR department and stored and processed on the systems of our software partner Haufe-umantis AG. Secure transfer is ensured with 128-bit encryption.

The data collected from the video surveillance on the campus will only be disclosed to third parties on the basis of a legal obligation or for the assertion of a legitimate interest of a Paraplegic Group organisation.

6. Is data transferred to a third country?

Data is never transferred to places outside of Switzerland (so-called third countries) without your consent.

7. How long is my data stored for?

We process and store your personal data for as long as it is required for the fulfilment of our contractual and legal obligations. It is worth noting in this respect that our relationships to you as a customer are a continuing obligation which are intended to last for years.

In the field of patient treatment, we are also legally obliged to store your documents for 10-20 years. We keep patient data for 20 years for reasons pursuant to liability law.

If the data is no longer necessary for the fulfilment of contractual or legal obligations, it will be erased on a regular basis.

If you are employed at ParaHelp, your applicant data will be included in your employee file.

If you applied but were turned down, your information will be erased around 24 months after the application procedure has come to an end so that we can answer any questions the regional job centre may have. You are not informed of the data’s erasure. If we want to include your data in a talent pool, we will obtain your explicit consent.

Video recordings of the campus will be automatically deleted after 60 days at the latest. It is only possible to store the videos for longer if this is done so in connection with an assertion of claims.

8. What are my data protection rights?

As a data subject, you have the right to information, inspection, rectification and erasure (not applicable to patient data as this must also be retained in the public interest) as well as to the restriction of processing. You may revoke consent you have given for data processing at any time. Please note that the withdrawal of consent is only effective for the future. Processing executed before the withdrawal is not affected thereby.

The rights of the data subject can be asserted in an informal manner. A request is to be addressed to:

Swiss Paraplegic Group
Information security and data protection officer
Guido A. Zäch Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil

9. Erasure of data

The data we store will be erased as soon as it is no longer required for its purpose and the erasure is not in conflict with any legal retention obligations. If the user’s data is not erased because it is necessary for other purposes permitted by law, its processing will be restricted. This means that the data is blocked and not used for other purposes. The applies, for example, to user data which must be stored for reasons under trade or tax law.

10. To what extent is automated decision-making carried out?

The SPG does not carry out any fully automated decision-making based on the information we have.

11. Is profiling carried out?

No profiling is carried out with the data collected via this website.

12. Security measures

We take organisational, contractual and technical security measures according to the state of the art to ensure compliance with the provisions of data protection laws and thus protect any data we process from accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by third parties.

13. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Changes to this Privacy Policy may be necessary as part of the further development of our websites and the implementation of new technologies. We therefore recommend that you reread this Privacy Policy from time to time.

ParaHelp, January 2019

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