Useful information for visitors
Visiting patients at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Welcome to Europe’s largest clinic for the comprehensive rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries. As a visitor to the Swiss Paraplegic Centre, you contribute to the well-being of our patients. You provide a break from the everyday routine of rehabilitation, and are an important connection to the outside world.
The ParaForum Visitor Centre of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation provides a further place of encounters in Nottwil.
The Visitor Centre of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation – ParaForum
The Swiss Paraplegic Centre receives around 10,000 visitors per year. We'll be happy to offer you some insight into our everyday practices, and show you what it means to live with a spinal cord injury. At the Swiss Paraplegic Centre, 1,250 specialists from 80 fields play an active part in the comprehensive rehabilitation of para- and tetraplegics. Find out more in our multimedia exhibition or take part in a guided tour of the Paraplegic Centre.
The following may also be of interest to you
Vocational training and continuing education for members of the public
We offer a wide and diverse range of continuing education programmes at the Swiss Paraplegic Group campus in Nottwil.
Get a good night’s sleep at the Hotel Sempachersee
The Hotel Sempachersee transforms your visit to the Lucerne area into a relaxing getaway.
Its stylish rooms, lobby, reception area, restaurants and bars have been fully renovated for a shimmering new look. And its big, bright spaces provide for a laid-back atmosphere.
Whether you’re staying for a night, a weekend or longer, you’ll feel right at home in the spacious and comfortable Hotel Sempachersee - from the moment you arrive until it’s time to check out.

Quick and easy access to Nottwil
The Nottwil campus is quick and easy to find, no matter which direction you are coming from. We can be reached by car, as well as by public transport.
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