Vocational training and continuing education
The Swiss Paraplegic Group is one of the 20 biggest employers in Central Switzerland, and offers several vocational training and continuing education programmes in a variety of different fields - both for its employees and to members of the general public.

Employees as well as members of the public can find a variety of vocational training and continuing education programmes at Nottwil.
Offers for members of the public
We offer a wide and diverse range of continuing education programmes at the Swiss Paraplegic Group campus in Nottwil.
Offers for people with spinal cord injuries
Continuing education and extracurricular courses for patients and relatives.
Courses and events Swiss Paraplegics Association
The Swiss Paraplegics Association is the national umbrella organisation for spinal cord injuries (SCI) and has over 11'000 members.
Para Know-how
Along with individual counselling sessions, peers organise and conduct group training programmes. Para Know-how courses unite people who have been living with a spinal cord injury for a long period of time with those who are just learning how to live with their disability, in a setting where participants can broaden their knowledge on paralysis-related topics.
Offer for SPC employees
Lifelong learning is a must. We are committed to long-term personal development. Take advantage of our wide selection of in-house seminars, which cover professional as well as more general topics.
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