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    ParaHelp project

    Care and counselling of paraplegics and their relatives

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Egal in welcher Höhe, Sie leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag für Menschen mit Querschnittlähmung.

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ParaHelp’s goal is to provide the best possible long-term care to people living with spinal cord injuries. Expert ParaHelp medical personnel counsel paraplegics, the relatives of paraplegics and other care professionals (such as Spitex workers) in the prevention of paralysis-related complications and injuries.

Local organisations are responsible for the everyday nursing care of patients. ParaHelp provides these organisations with all the instruments and know-how that are required for such care. Counselling and training take place at the patients’ homes, on the ParaHelp premises or in a care-based institution (e.g. nursing or old-age home).


ParaHelp specialises in the counselling and assistance of people with spinal cord injury, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or spina bifida.

Project details

    • ParaWork services are not covered by insurance.
    • Every year, ParaHelp accumulates a deficit of CHF 1,500,000.
    • This deficit is offset entirely by the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation.
  • Without care that is specially designed for para- and tetraplegics, patients are more likely (particularly in old age) to suffer injuries and complications, and thus spend more time moving between their homes, nursing homes and hospital. This can result in exorbitant healthcare costs. ParaHelp therefore helps to reduce overall healthcare costs. Allowing patients to live in their own homes for as long as possible is not just sensible from an economic point of view: patients experience higher-quality recovery in the comfort of their own homes. ParaHelp makes this possible.

    • Optimal positioning and transfer techniques to avoid complications such as skin lesions and shoulder pain
    • Practical guidelines for bladder and bowel management
    • Tips on how to treat sores
    • Advice on choosing and buying aids, e.g. a suitable mattress
    • Information on current care needs, including nursing, assistance and holiday offers
    • Wheelchair independence exercises for children and adolescents
    • Case management for patients with ALS

A personal story:
Mastering everyday routines at home.

  • Bild im Vollbild öffnenBeartung-zuhause-ParaHelp
  • Bild im Vollbild öffnenParaHelp_position in bed

Dank der Schulung durch die Pflegefachperson von ParaHelp gewinnen Angehörige und Spitexmitarbeiter Sicherheit im Umgang mit wiederkehrenden Hautproblemen am Gesäss, die durch die jahrelange Sitzposition zunehmen. 

Für die Körperpflege, Ankleiden, Wundversorgung und Mobilisation kommt jeden Morgen die lokale Spitex zur Unterstützung. Diese kontrollieren täglich die Haut und melden Veränderungen an ParaHelp.

The following may also be of interest to you

Enquiries and contact

General donations

Our bank details

Swiss Paraplegic Foundation
6207 Nottwil

CH14 0900 0000 6014 7293 5