• Projekt-ParaWork

    ParaWork project

    Social, educational and professional integration

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Egal in welcher Höhe, Sie leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag für Menschen mit Querschnittlähmung.

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A spinal cord injury is a life-changing event. Faced with the severity of this stroke of fate, those who are affected must be guided back to an independent way of life. Counsellors and ParaWork employees help paraplegics to resume their social, educational and professional activities.

Project details

ParaWork service offering

ParaWork offers professional and career counselling to paraplegics. ParaWork works closely with paraplegics, developing custom solutions that are based on the patients’ former job profiles. Paraplegics are given the hope and confidence they need to rebuild their lives, right from the start of the rehabilitation process. Even after completing their rehabilitation, patients continue to be supervised and assisted with all issues relating to their professional reintegration. 

A personal story:
Dario Christen chooses a profession.

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Enquiries and contact

General donations

Our bank details

Swiss Paraplegic Foundation
6207 Nottwil

CH14 0900 0000 6014 7293 5