Ring of Life Nottwil

Donation categories

Donations and estates can be allocated to a fund if desired. Each fund has a precisely defined purpose. In this way, the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation ensures that your interests and personal values are taken into account in the long term.

The benefits to you of selecting a fund for your donation or estate:

  • All the fund's resources are used exclusively for projects and services for people with a spinal cord injury in Switzerland.
  • Every year, an audited report is published showing how the money from your estate has been used.
  • The Swiss Paraplegic Foundation communicates regularly and transparently about the activities of its funds. You can obtain information at any time about how your donation is being used.
  • There are no administrative costs as the ongoing operation of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation is covered by the membership fees of the Benefactors’ Association.
Spendenfonds Visite SPZ

Comprehensive rehabilitation of paraplegics at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre.

By choosing a donation category, you will determine how your donation or bequest will benefit people living with spinal cord injury.

Swiss Paraplegic Foundation donation structure

  • If desired, you can allocate your donation or your estate to a themed fund. Within the themed fund, your contribution will be used for selected innovation and development projects. The top priority is the greatest direct benefit for people with a spinal cord injury. With a themed fund, you can achieve something specific in an area close to your heart.

    The following categories are currently accepting donations:

    All categories are associated with donation projects and various sub-funds.

    Visualisierung Besucherzentrum

    A large portion of the donations used for buildings and infrastructure is going towards the renovation and expansion of the clinic. This project is necessary to ensure paraplegics receive the best possible acute care, rehabilitation and assistance well into the future.

  • A spinal cord injury is associated with high follow-up costs. Direct aid is required when an insurance or health insurance policy does not fully cover these follow-up costs and further needs of people with a spinal cord injury. This often applies to the acquisition of a wheelchair, a ventilator, to apartment modifications and medical services.

    The Swiss Paraplegic Foundation makes contributions to direct aid when a wheelchair user is unable or only partially able to finance the required service himself or herself. Checks of submitted applications also take into account the income and financial circumstances of applicants. About 1000 requests for direct aid are approved each year.

  • A named fund bears a name determined by you and fulfils a purpose defined in accordance with what you would like within the network of services of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation.

    Given the extra costs involved, this type of fund can only be offered from a contribution of CHF 500,000.00. The named fund is used by the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation in accordance with the defined guidelines and is reported separately in the annual financial statements.

    The use of money from a named fund is agreed individually and in writing with the founder of the fund or determined in a binding manner according to a disposition in a will.

Enquiries and contact