Therapy aids

Strengthening and stimulating muscles and nerves

The use of therapy aids has a supportive and positive effect on the body, whether by using TheraBands to strengthen different parts of the body, providing a simple massage with spiky balls for relaxation and improvement of circulation, or training finger muscles with squeeze balls.

Movement trainer as support

Motor-assisted movement trainers are available for passive movement therapy of the upper and/or lower extremities in people with limited mobility and in wheelchair users. Regular training loosens and strengthens muscles, boosts metabolism and circulation, and has a positive effect on cardiovascular functions.

Stimulate nerve and muscle tissue

Electric stimulation also serves as a therapeutic aid. Electric impulses can be used to stimulate nerve and muscle tissue, which can have a positive effect on the functions of the upper and lower extremities. Electric stimulation is also often used to alleviate pain.

Brief description of products

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