Electric wheelchairs for indoor and outdoor use

Multiple combination options due to the modular design

These electric wheelchairs have design features for indoor and outdoor use. There are various options for adjusting the handling characteristics and seating positions. Efficient motors provide a long range despite small batteries.

Here is a small selection:

  • Orthotec Rehabilitationstechnik Elektro-Rollstuhl Innenbereich- und Aussenbereich Permobil M3 mit Sitzlift

    The M3 Corpus follows the natural movement of the body, thus providing a more stable and more comfortable driving experience, which allows the user to sit for longer and do more. The combination of outstanding suspension, steering and a good seat offers a complete solution for all mobility requirements. The Corpus seat system is completely adjustable. With the choice of five seat functions, combined with three programmable saved seating functions, comfort and well-being are guaranteed. The biomechanical movement of the backrest offers effective reduction of friction and guarantees correct changes of position. The joystick functions are equipped with internal BLUETOOTH and infrared technology, which means that the wheelchair can be connected to your mobile phone, tablet or PC and that you can even control your TV or switch lights on and off. This model also allows a 20° tilt angle to the front, which provides enhanced access to your surroundings. A seat lift is available as an option and provides up to 30 cm additional seat height. The driving speed options are 6 km/h or 10 km/h. The turning diameter is just 67.5 cm.

  • Orthotec Rehabilitationstechnik Elektro Rollstuhl Innen- Aussenbereich Sunrise Quickie Q700 M

    Electric wheelchair with mid-wheel drive
    Discover the ultimate driving experience with the striking Q700 M, the powerful electric wheelchair with superior style and manoeuvrability. Featuring the SpiderTrac™ 2.0 suspension for a super-smooth ride, enjoy an intuitive driving experience with a mid-wheel drive based on state-of-the-art technology.

  • Orthotec Rehabilitationstechnik Elektro-Rollstuhl Innenbereich- und Aussenbereich Otto Bock Juvo B6

    With its large drive wheels, the Juvo is good at overcoming obstacles, such as kerbs. It also offers you good transfer possibilities and a high degree of manoeuvrability. The wheelchair has a relatively small turning radius with a standard 90° movement and the ability to drive especially close to objects such as furniture or desks.

Contact us, we’d be happy to advise you.

Prescription to dispense a wheelchair

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