Tennis and badminton wheelchairs

High level of responsiveness required

Although the sports of tennis and badminton can be played in a day-to-day wheelchair, special tennis and badminton wheelchairs offer considerably more mobility and stability. These special wheelchairs have large wheels that tilt inwards and also have small wheels at the front and back that provide improved stability for the wheelchair and prevent the players from tipping out when returning high shots.

We have the right range of products to ensure this is fun.

  • It is tailor-made and optimally adjusted to allow you to have the correct immediate, agile and flexible reaction to every ball.

    Rigidity and performance. Agility and design. These are the most important features of the GrandSlam, which is produced tailored to your needs. After all, every detail is important in allowing you to perform at your best.

  • Orthotec Rehabilitationstechnik Sportgeraete Tennis Badminton-Rollstuehle Quickie Match Point

    Thanks to the patented centre-of-mass adjustment system, the Match Point can be adjusted to the individual centre of gravity and seating angle requirements of the user without replacing a single part. This function, together with a wide range of options, the wide front wheel support and the anti-tip wheel at the back, make the Quickie Match Point the ideal wheelchair for tennis players of all levels.
    The wide footprint of the casters guarantees increased stability when the tennis player leans forwards or to the side to place a successful shot. Toe clips are a further option for this sports wheelchair. These keep the player's feet in the correct position on the footrest for difficult shots or stretches to the front. The Quickie Match Point is also available in a titanium version that reduces the weight of the wheelchair.

Contact us, we’d be happy to advise you.

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