Alleviate pain, protect against injuries and support the locomotor system

By using compression, supporting posture and movement, and limiting joint movement, bandages help in the case of injuries to tendon and ligament structures as well as degenerative signs of wear and tear.

Optimal bandage

Bandages are usually ready-made and available in numerous options from an extremely large number of manufacturers. Over recent years, production has focused increasingly on the material used and thus on wearing comfort and the appearance of the bandages.
Together with our customers, we look for the optimal bandage among a wide range of manufacturers and models. If a bandage is not available in an optimal fit, our specialists will adjust it to the individual shapes and requirements.

A selection of our offers

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Bandagen Knöchelbandagen Basko Neurodyn Spastic

    We have all experienced that awkward step on an uneven surface, which causes unbearable pain in one's foot. In addition to cooling and pain medication, compression and stability can help the ankle to recover. Once the tendons in the foot have been excessively stretched, it is worth wearing a bandage temporarily when the foot is under particular strain. Together with you, we will look for the optimal model for you.

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Bandagen Kniebandagen Bauerfeind Genutrain P3

    A knee bandage can have a positive impact on mild instabilities and pain in the knee joint. The compression results in increased tension in the muscles and the heat generated under the bandage helps to alleviate the pain a little. Let our specialists advise you.

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Bandagen Hüftbandagen Hüftprotektor Gurt

    After surgery in the area of the hip joint, bandages can be extremely useful to help safeguard the surgical outcome.
    For several years now, we have successfully used hip protectors to prevent fractures of the femoral neck. Do not be put off: while the original hip protector trousers protruded significantly, there are now modern, almost invisible models.

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Bandagen Rumpfbandagen Thorax Abdominalbandage PostOban

    Given that people are spending more and more time sitting, back pain is unfortunately also increasing. Bandages limit the radius of movement in the affected area and compress the back and abdominal muscles. Compression causes increased basic tension in the muscles and, together with the supportive properties, this has a positive effect on the pain.

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Bandagen Schulterbandagen Gilchrist Verband

    The shoulder joint is often affected by injuries due to its loose structures that are designed for traction. A shoulder bandage can help speed up recovery and protect the joint against further injury.
    Furthermore, in the case of injuries to sensitive nerve structures (e.g. plexus paresis), it can also ensure the correct positioning of the shoulder joint.

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Bandagen Ellbogenbandagen Epitrain

    Although the elbow is only rarely affected by injuries, it is often exposed to hyperstimulation. Tennis elbow (epicondylitis) and bursitis are often painful and inconvenient in day-to-day life. Pain can be rapidly alleviated with simple protective bandages or ones that redirect muscular force.

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Bandagen Handgelenksbandagen RhizoLoc

    Are your wrists under a lot of strain? Do you suffer from pins and needles in your hands and from pain at night? Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) affects numerous people. A stabilising wrist bandage can help during the day and at night by taking the pressure off the nerve and soothing it.
    Bandages are also very effective after injuries to the wrist.
    You are sure to find the right model among our wide range of models from various manufacturers.

Contact us, we’d be happy to advise you.

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