Support, correct, remove pressure
As opposed to prostheses that replace an amputated body part, orthoses are used on body parts that have been maintained but that are not growing or functioning correctly. As part of the Swiss Paraplegic Group, Orthotec has amassed a considerable wealth of experience with the production of countless orthoses for people with paraplegia and tetraplegia. These experiences also provide unrestricted benefits to all people who need an orthosis for reasons other than a spinal cord injury.
Misalignment or abnormal development
In the case of paralysis symptoms, orthoses take over the stabilising function of the muscles. Misalignments or abnormal developments require an orthosis that has a corrective effect on the body structures in question. When used in association with protracted injuries, it can take on both stabilising and pressure-reducing functions.
Components and materials
There have been considerable changes in production methods, components and materials over recent years. In addition to the extremely specific use of fibrous composite materials and silicones, the use of mechanical-electronic orthotic knee joints has opened up a wide range of new care options.
For example with the C-Brace upper leg orthosis by Ottobock
A selection of our offers
Foot orthoses
Correct, remove pressure, stimulateThese orthoses that are like “splints” for the feet have a predominantly corrective effect on the position of the feet. Whether they are used for pain therapy in the case hallux valgus, for growth management using an STS orthosis in the case of misalignments, or as a conventional insole, the aim is for them to have a positive impact on any deviations from a normal position. Our decision on whether to use static correction, removal of pressure or sensorimotor impact as the orthotic mode of action is based on the indication and requirements of our customers.
Ankle orthoses
Correct, stabiliseThese orthoses include the sole of the foot and the ankle in the treatment. After a supination trauma, for example, which is twisting over the outer edge of the foot, a ready-made ankle splint is classically used. Proprioceptive or corrective inner shoes and ankle ring orthoses are used in the treatment of neuro-orthopaedic disease.
Lower leg orthoses
Replace function, correct, remove pressureKnown as DAFOs (dynamic ankle foot orthoses) or AFOs (ankle foot orthoses), these extend from the sole of the foot to the knee joint. Depending on the treatment objective, they are made from carbon fibres, thermoplastic materials, steel, leather or silicone. In addition, there are various mechanical ankle joints available that can be integrated into the orthoses. This wide range of options ensures a high level of individuality and the precise adjustment of the orthosis to the user.
Knee orthoses
Stabilise, alleviate pain, preventWhen treating injuries to the cruciate or collateral ligaments of the knee joint, knee splints are usually used, either to safeguard a surgical outcome of surgery or to avoid a surgical intervention. However, knee orthoses (KOs) can also be used extremely effectively for other causes of instability in the knee joint. Treating pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee with alignment-correcting knee orthoses has also established itself successfully over recent years.
Upper leg orthoses
Replace function, stabiliseKAFOs, i.e. knee-ankle-foot orthoses, involve the leg from the sole of the foot to the hip. In the ankle area, all the same options are available as for treatment with a lower leg orthosis only. The knee joint is additionally protected and supported by a mechanical or mechatronic orthotic knee joint that is either locking, redressing, free in movement or stand phase controlling. Upper-leg orthoses are used in the case of incomplete paraplegia and tetraplegia, polio, stroke, multiple sclerosis and other causes with consequences that limit motor functions.
Trunk orthoses
Correct, remove pressure, stabiliseCorset is the more widely used term for the product group of trunk orthoses. Corsets are mainly used to correct misalignment of the spine. Lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis) and excessive shapes of the natural vertebral arches can be extremely successfully treated with a corset. In addition, trunk orthoses can be adjusted to stabilise muscle weakness, vertebral fractures and deformations of the ribcage.
Neck orthoses
Stabilise, remove pressure, correctNeck orthoses correct and stabilise the cervical spine. Using a neck collar or a neck orthosis may make sense in the case of fractures of cervical vertebrae, muscular weakness caused by neurological disease, problems with intervertebral discs in the area of the cervical vertebrae or misalignment of the cervical spine.
Head and face orthoses
Protect, shape, preventHead orthoses for the head can support growth or have a protective effect. Face masks in the case of fractures of the nasal bone or cheekbone protect against further injuries during sporting activities. Special helmets can be worn to protect against injuries or to support growth in the case of scoliosis of the skull.
Shoulder orthoses
Stabilise, position, supportThe shoulder joint only has extremely small bony contact areas., which makes the joint extremely mobile, but also subject to frequent injuries and overload. For more minor injuries, we have a wide range of braces available to our customers. In the case of serious injuries or if surgery requires the shoulder to be positioned in a certain way to achieve an optimal result, orthotic devices provide the required stability.
Upper arm orthoses
Stabilise, improve function, correctThis type of orthosis encompasses the arm from the shoulder to the wrist and may also include the hand. This aid is used in the case of joint instability, injuries, for post-surgical positioning, to support muscle weakness and to correct limitations to movement. We carefully adjust the materials and components used in accordance with the purpose.
Forearm and hand orthoses
Enable function, stabilise, correctSplints for the hand or forearm are used in the case of problematic alignments of the wrist. The fingers can also be included in the treatment if required. Pain, misalignment, spasticity and a lack of muscle stabilisation are indications for a forearm orthosis. One of Orthotec's strengths lies in the production of forearm orthoses using silicone technology.
Finger orthoses
Stabilise, limitFinger splints are one of the smallest groups of orthoses. They stabilise fractures in the area of the fingers, correct misalignment and limit excessively mobile joints.
Soft orthoses
Tone, correct, controlOrthoses consist of stabilising elements that either form the required shape themselves or are integrated into a soft material. Soft orthoses contradict this definition. This orthotic concept mainly benefits people with neurological and neuro-orthopaedic diseases. Soft orthoses are made from elastic fabric and straps. Soft orthoses are positioned extremely close to the body. The pressure this causes affects receptors in the skin and muscles, which improves body awareness.
Stimulation orthoses (FES)
Stimulate, replace function, trainFunctional electrical stimulation (FES) is becoming increasingly significant. Under the right conditions, the stimulation systems can replace or complement a conventional orthosis. They work by releasing an electric stimulus onto the muscle and the nerve that supplies the muscle, which then causes the appropriate muscle movement. The systems are available for different parts of the body. The best-known area of use is the stimulation of the dorsiflexor muscles.
If you are interested, you can find out more here: International FES Centre ®
Walking orthoses
Enable function, stabilise, correct and train
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