PhD Program
For Swiss Paraplegic Research (SPF) it is essential to recruit researchers and to train them. Therefore a structured PhD program in Health Sciences was developed at the University of Lucerne in 2010.
Currently there are almost 22 PhD students registered for the PhD program at the University of Lucerne who are doing research at SPF in Nottwil at the same time. PhD students who decide to graduate at the University of Lucerne automatically become members of the PhD program in Health Sciences and may benefit from its range of courses and funding opportunities.
The structured PhD program offers courses and workshops in the areas «disciplinary perspectives in Health Sciences», «comprehensive understanding of health and functioning» and «methods». Special focus lies on the interdisciplinary learning environment: through colloquia, the PhD students present their research projects. Following the presentation, there is a project discussion among the PhD students chaired by experienced researchers.
The collaboration between SPF and the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at the University of Lucerne enables young academics to compile their PhD theses in a structured, well supervised and internationally competitive way.
Students and Alumni
Current PhD students at Swiss Paraplegic Research
Here is a list of currently registered PhD students at Swiss Paraplegic Research (SPF) including the title of their theses currently ongoing.
Alumni PhD program
Here you will find all former participants of the PhD program who have graduated successfully including the topic of their PhD theses.
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