Publications 2024

Peer-reviewed articles

  • Ahanchi NS, Khatami F, Llanaj E, Quezada-Pinedo HG, Dizdari H, Bano A, Glisic M, Eisenga MF, Marques-Vidal P, Muka T: The complementary roles of iron and estrogen in menopausal differences in cardiometabolic outcomes. Clin Nutr 2024, 43:1136-1150.
  • Aichner S, Studer A, Frey J, Brambs C, Krebs J, Christmann-Schmid C: Analysis of the clinical value of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy to support the posterior compartment in women with multicompartment prolapse including rectocele. J Clin Med 2024, 13(17), 5051.
  • Amatya B, Mukaino M, Stucki G, Selb M, Khan F: Content comparison of multidimensional functional outcome measures in rehabilitation and the ICF clinical functioning information tool: A scoping literature review. J Int Soc Phy Rehabil Med 2024, 7(4):144-159.
  • An KR, Seijas V, Xu MS, Grüßer L, Humar S, Moreno AA, Turk M, Kasanagottu K, Alzghari T, Dimagli A, Ko MA, Villena-Vargas J, Papatheodorou S, Gaudino MFL: Does prehabilitation before esophagectomy improve postoperative outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dis Esophagus 2024, 37(3):1-20.
  • Arnet U, Bossuyt F, Beirens BJH, de Vries WHK: Shoulder Pain in Persons With Tetraplegia and the Association With Force Application During Manual Wheelchair Propulsion. Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl 2024, 6:1.
  • Balikuddembe JK, Reinhardt JD, Vahid G, Di B: A scoping review of post-earthquake healthcare for vulnerable groups of the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquakes. BMC Public Health 2024, 24(1):945.
  • Bernard RM, Oña A, Seijas V, Diviani N, Sabariego C: Digital Health Utilization in Spinal Cord Injury: A Descriptive Study of a Population-Based Prospective Cohort. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S327-S332.
  • Bernard RM, Seijas V, Davis M, Volkova A, Diviani N, Lüscher J, Sabariego C: Self-Management Support Apps for Spinal Cord Injury: Results of a Systematic Search in App Stores and Mobile App Rating Scale Evaluation. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2024, 12:e53677.
  • Bertolo A, Valido E, Stoyanov J: Optimized bacterial community characterization through full-length 16S rRNA gene sequencing utilizing MinION nanopore technology. BMC Microbiol 2024, 24:58.
  • Bieri AM, Wöllner J, Pannek J, Krebs J: Effects of a Prophylactic Treatment with Horseradish Root and Nasturtium Herb on Urinary Tract Infections in Individuals with Chronic Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Urol Int 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Bossuyt FM, Eriks-Hoogland I, Schubert M, Minder U, Brinkhof MWG, Arnet U: Determinants of Between-Person Variation in Shoulder Pain in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S268-S276.
  • Bychkovska O, Pattanakuhar S, Arora M, Postma K, Strøm V, Joseph C, Tederko P, Gemperli A: Gender differences in patient experience among persons with spinal cord injury: A comparison across 22 countries. Disabil Health J 2024, 17(4):101642.
  • Bychkovska O, Tederko P, Strøm V, Juocevicius A, Gemperli A: Does stronger primary care improve access to health services for persons with spinal cord injury? Evidence from eleven European countries. J Spinal Cord Med 2024, 47(5):701-711.
  • Chang PL, Chen KY, Ou JC, Chiang YH, Chen HC, Liou TH, Escorpizo R, Lin LF: Self-reported Dizziness, Postural Stability, and Sensory Integration After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Naturalistic Follow-up Study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 104(1):26-30.
  • Chieh C, Stojic S, Boehl G, Wong S, Lüscher J, Bertolo A, Itodo OA, Mueller G, Stoyanov J, Gemperli A, Perret C, Eriks-Hoogland I, Glisic M: Can Lifestyle and Behavioral Interventions Improve Weight Management in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Chotiyarnwong C, Pattanakuhar S, Srisuppaphon D, Komaratat N, Insook S, Tunwattanapong P, Kammuang-Lue P, Laohasinnarong P, Potiart T, Kaewma A, Thoowadaratrakool T, Potiruk P, Mahisanan T, Wangchumthong A, Kaewtong A, Kittiwarawut J, Dissaneewate T, Kovindha A: COVID-19 vaccination status in people with spinal cord injury: Results from a cross-sectional study in Thailand. J Spinal Cord Med 2024, 47(4):573-583.
  • Cisnal A, Li Y, Fuchs B, Ejtehadi M, Riener R, Paez Granados D: Robust feature selection for continuous BP estimation in multiple populations: Towards cuffless ambulatory BP monitoring. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform 2024, 28(10):5768-5779.
  • Debnar C, Peter C, Morselli D, Michel G, Bachmann N, Carrard V: Reciprocal association between social support and psychological distress in chronic physical health conditions: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model. Appl Psychol Health Well Being 2024, 16(1):376-394.
  • De Groote W, Corso M, Murnaghan K, Duttine A, Sabariego C: Rehabilitation needs screening to identify potential beneficiaries: a scoping review. BMJ Public Health 2024, 2(1):e000523.
  • de Vries WHK, Arnet U, Bossuyt FM, de Groot S, Eriks-Hoogland I, Perret C: Adherence to Physical Activity Guidelines in Manual Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury and the Association With Shoulder Pain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(Suppl):S303-S309.
  • de Vries W, Eriks-Hoogland I, Hertig-Godeschalk A, Koch-Borner S, Perret C, Arnet U: Variation in daily wheelchair mobility metrics of persons with spinal cord injury: The need for individual monitoring. Appl Sci 2024, 14(23):11087.
  • de Vries WHK, Fellinghauer CS, Arnet U, Eriks-Hoogland I: Change in mobility independence over 5 years for persons with chronic spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med 2024, 47(1):125-134.
  • Diaz MA, Angus FC, Bickenbach JE: Perceived barriers and facilitators to good end of life care: Focusing on people with intellectual disabilities. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil 2024, 37(2):e13186.
  • Diaz MA, Bickenbach JE, Sabariego C, Bernard RM: Qualitative methodological approaches involving participants with intellectual disabilities: Scoping review of literature exploring death and dying. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil 2024, 37(2):e13119.
  • Diviani N, Fiordelli M, Rubinelli S: Understanding public response: Government communication during the COVID-19 crisis through the eyes of the Swiss public. PEC Innovation 2024, 5:100349.
  • Diviani N, Qama E, Brach M, Gemperli A, Jordan X, Scheel-Sailer A, Rubinelli S: The Complexity of Health Self-Management Behavior. Beliefs and Attitudes of Individuals Living With Spinal Cord Injury in Switzerland. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S295-S302.
  • Emmenegger A, Grossmann F, Scherrer S, Perret C: Reliability of a Cognitive Test Battery for Individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury. J Integrated Health 2024, 3(3):266-271.
  • Eilfort AM, Rasenack M, Zörner B, Curt A, Filli L: Evidence for reticulospinal plasticity underlying motor recovery in Brown-Séquard-plus Syndrome: a case report. Front Neurol 2024, 15:1335795.
  • Eriks-Hoogland IE, Barth MA, Müller LL, Braun D, Curt A, Arora M, Middleton JW, Pannek J: COVID-19 and spinal cord injury: clinical presentation, clinical course, and clinical outcomes of people hospitalised. Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2024, 10(1):5.
  • Eriks-Hoogland I, Jordan X, Baumberger M, Seijas V, Huber B, Michel F, Thietje R, Müller L: Recommendations for long-term follow-up care of secondary health conditions in spinal cord injury/disorder: a systematic review. Front Rehabil Sci 2024, 5:1371553.
  • Eriks-Hoogland IE, Müller L, Hirsch BD, Studer L, Gemperli A, Anderson CE: Non-adherence to follow-up care in persons with spinal cord injury within 10 years after initial rehabilitation. J Rehabil Med 2024, 56:jrm41083.
  • Eriks-Hoogland I, Müller L, Baumberger M, Huber B, Michel F, Belfrage C, Elmerghini H, Veseli-Abazi M, Böthig R, Fiebag K, Thietje R, Jordan X: Evidence based clinical practice guideline for follow-up care in persons with spinal cord injury. Front Rehabil Sci 2024, 5:1371556.
  • Eriks-Hoogland I, Schwethelm M, Müller L, Stoyanov J, Pannek J, Glisic M: Health status, functioning and risk profiles for secondary health conditions in adolescents and young adults with spina bifida: a cross-sectional study at time of transition. Swiss Med Wkly 2024, 154:3836.
  • Eriks-Hoogland IE, Studer L, Müller LL, Hirsch B, Pannek J, Gemperli A, Ehrmann C: Prevalence, causes, and risk profile of rehospitalizations in persons with spinal cord injury within the first 10 years after primary rehabilitation. Spinal Cord 2024, 62(11):625-633.
  • Eriks-Hoogland I, Veseli-Abazi M, Müller L, Abazi C, Snider B, Evers J, Pannek J, Seijas V: Breast and cervical cancer screening in females with spinal cord injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Spinal Cord Med 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Escorpizo R, Naud S, Post MWM, Schwegler U, Engkasan J, Halvorsen A, Geraghty T, Sadowsky C: Relationship between employment and quality of life and self-perceived health in people with spinal cord injury: an international comparative study based on the InSCI Community Survey. Spinal Cord 2024, 62(3):110-116.
  • Escorpizo R, Theotokatos G, Tucker CA: A Scoping Review on the Use of Machine Learning in Return-to-Work Studies: Strengths and Weaknesses. J Occup Rehabil 2024, 34:71-86.
  • Fähndrich C, Gemperli A, Baumberger M, Harder M, Roth B, Schaefer DJ, Wettstein R, Scheel-Sailer A: Risk factors of major complications after flap surgery in the treatment of stage III and IV pressure injury in people with spinal cord injury/disorder: a retrospective cohort study. Spinal Cord 2024, 62(1):34-41.
  • Farahani SJ, Li J, Minder B, Vielh P, Glisic M, Muka T: Impact of implementing the first edition of the Paris system for reporting: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cytopathology 2024, 35(5):616-633.
  • Field-Fote EC, Anderson KD, Capron M, Rupp R, Jones L, Schmidt-Read M, Noonan VK, Bryden A, Mulroy S, Weiss W, Widmer M, Poder HH, Jørgensen V, Smith E, Purcell M, Biering-Sørensen F: Reliability of the International Spinal Cord Injury Physical Therapy–Occupational Therapy Basic Data Set. Neurotrauma Rep 2024, 5(1):584-591.
  • Frontera WR, Cordani C, Décary S, de Groote W, Del Furia MJ, Feys P, Furlan L, Guerrieri M, Schraner C, Sabariego C: Relevance and use of health policy, health systems, and health services research for strengthening rehabilitation in real-life settings: methodological considerations. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2024, 60(1):154-163.
  • Galvis Aparicio M, Mwake I, Ronca-Nützi M, Staubli S, Schwegler U: Perceived job quality among persons with spinal cord injury: The contribution of sociodemographic characteristics, health-related factors, and person-job match. J Spinal Cord Med 2024, 47(5):733-743.
  • Glisic M, Stoyanov J, Mueller G, Schubert M, Jordan X, Hund-Georgiadis M, Pannek J, Eriks-Hoogland I: Changes in Secondary Health Conditions Among Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury After Transition From Inpatient Rehabilitation to Community Living. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S260-S267.
  • Gosling J, Maritz R, Laplante-Lévesque A, Sabariego C: Lessons learned from health system rehabilitation preparedness and response for disasters in LMICs: a scoping review. BMC Public Health 2024, 24:806.
  • Gross-Hemmi MH, Gangwisch A, Brinkhof MWG, Eriks Hoogland I, Schwegler U, Staubli S, Galvis Aparicio M: Participation in Social and Community Life Before and After Spinal Cord Injury/Disease: Factors Influencing Changes in Short-Term and Long-Term Participation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S285-S294.
  • Haldemann M, Stojic S, Eriks-Hoogland I, Stoyanov J, Hund-Georgiadis M, Perret C, Glisic M: Exploring lifestyle components and associated factors in newly injured individuals with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2024, 62(12):708-717.
  • Hansen A, Mortensen OS, Escorpizo R, Søgaard K, Søndergaard J, Schiøttz-Christensen B, Lauridsen HH: Assessing Work Functioning in Patients with Persistent Low Back Pain: Exploring the Structural Validity of the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire. J Occup Rehabil 2024, 34(3):669-682.
  • Hertig-Godeschalk A, Perret C: How elite athletes with a spinal cord injury sweat during exercise—an exploratory study. Sports 2024, 12(3):81.
  • Hertig-Godeschalk A, Sailer CO, Perret C, Lehnick D, Scheel-Sailer A, Flueck JL: 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and Vitamin D3 Supplementation During Postacute Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil 2024, 30(4):24-34.
  • Hodel J, Sabariego C, Galvis Aparicio M, Scheel-Sailer A, Seijas V, Ehrmann C: Revisiting functioning recovery in persons with spinal cord injury undergoing first rehabilitation: Trajectory and network analysis of a Swiss cohort study. PLoS One 2024, 19(2):e0297682.
  • Huang J, Qiao X, Song K, Liu R, Huang S, He J, Zhu S, Reinhardt JD, He C: Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Interventions in Individuals With Emerging Virtual Respiratory Tract Infectious Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clin Rehabil 2024, 38(7):857-883.
  • Huang SW, Lee YH, Liao CD, Escorpizo R, Liou TH, Lin HW: Association of physical functional activity impairment with severity of sarcopenic obesity: findings from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Sci Rep 2024,14(1):3787.
  • Ikediashi BG, Ehrmann C, Michel G: Health literacy in adolescents and young adults in Benin: French translation and validation of the health literacy measure for adolescents (HELMA). Front Psychol 2024, 15:1428434.
  • Irrgang S, Himmelhaus S, Allek K, Debecker I, Gemperli A, Kynast K, von Reumont A, Scheel-Sailer A: Assessments and interventions on body functions, structures and activity to prepare adults with acute spinal cord injury or disease for participation: a scoping review. Front Rehab Sci 2024, 5:1272682.
  • Jaszczuk P, Bratelj D, Capone C, Stalder S, Rudnick M, Verma RK, Pötzel T, Fiechter M: Surgical treatment of posttraumatic spinal cord tethering and syringomyelia: a retrospective cohort investigation of cost, reimbursement, and financial sustainability. BMC Surg 2024, 24(1):370.
  • Kammuang-Lue P, Pattanakuhar S, Engkasan JP, Wahyuni LK, Fauzi AA, Chotiyarnwong C, Kovindha A: Association Between Health Service Systems and Pressure Injury Problems of Individuals With Chronic Spinal Cord Injury in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand: A Cross-sectional Study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(10):867-874.
  • Kammuang-Lue P, Pattanakuhar S, Sermsuk M, Angkurawaranon C: Duration of detrusor overactivity as an independent predictive factor of upper urinary tract deterioration in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: results of a retrospective cohort study. Spinal Cord 2024, 62(6):328-335.
  • Karcz K, Schwegler U, Schiffmann B, Finger ME: Risk factors and service gaps affecting a sustainable work: a qualitative multi-stakeholder analysis in the context of persons with acquired brain injury living in Switzerland. BMC Health Serv Res 2024, 24:753.
  • Kastrati L, Alvarez-Martinez M, Thomas A, Thevis M, Muka T, Stettler C, Herzig D, Glisic M, Bally L: Effect of exercise on plasma insulin levels in individuals with type 1 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Obes Metab 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Kleinitz P, Sabariego C, Llewellyn G, Taloafiri E, Mangar A, Baskota R, Marahatta K, Maduwage S, Khin MH, Wonanji V, Sampa G, Al-Rjoub A, Al-Daod J, Cieza A: Integrating rehabilitation into health systems: A comparative study of nine middle-income countries using WHO's Systematic Assessment of Rehabilitation Situation (STARS). PLoS One 2024, 19(2):e0297109.
  • Koch-Borner S, Bersch U, Grether S, Fridén J, Schibli S, Bersch I: Different thumb positions in the tetraplegic hand. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 105(1):75-81.
  • Lackner M, Grossmann F, Perret C, Flueck J L, & Hertig-Godeschalk A: Chasing Gold: Heat Acclimation in Elite Handcyclists with Spinal Cord Injury. Int J Sports Med 2024, 45(10):733-738.
  • Landmann G, Aerni M, Abächerli R, Ernst M, Ljutow A, Ottiger-Böttger K: Virtual walking therapy in neuropathic spinal cord injury pain: a feasibility study. Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2024,10(1):53.
  • Landmann G, Ernst M, Opsommer E, Stockinger L, Vollert J, Baron R: Explorative sensory profile evaluation in central neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury. Eur J Pain 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Li Y, Scheel-Sailer A, Riener R, Paez-Granados D: Mixed-variable graphical modeling framework towards risk prediction of hospital-acquired pressure injury in spinal cord injury individuals. Sci Rep 2024, 14(1):25067.
  • Liguori S, Selb M, Moretti A, Paoletta M, Invernizzi M, Fiore P, Iolascon G, Gimigliano F: Characterization of an Italian population with neurological disorders in a rehabilitation setting using ClinFIT. J Rehabil Med 2024, 56:jrm18262.
  • Liu W, Wang J, Chen C, Reinhardt JD: Health care needs and health services utilization of people with spinal cord injury living in Jiangsu and Sichuan provinces of China: a cross-sectional community survey. Disabil Rehabil 2024, 46(11):2282-2293.
  • Lorenz V, Seijas V, Gattinger H, Gabriel C, Langins M, Mishra S, Sabariego C: The Role of Nurses in Rehabilitation in Primary Health Care for Ageing Populations: A Secondary Analysis from a Scoping Review. SAGE Open Nursing 2024, 10:23779608241271677.
  • Lüscher J, Galvis M, Schwegler U, Diener M, Debnar C: Impact of Psychosocial Resources on Mental Health During the Transition From the Initial Rehabilitation to Community: The Case of Spinal Cord Injury. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S277-S284.
  • Lüscher J, Lüthi S: How is momentary well-being and stress associated in persons with spinal cord injury and their romantic partners? A study protocol for a dyadic everyday life study. BMJ Open 2024, 14:e084395.
  • Lussi C. Kriterien für die Inanspruchnahme von Langzeitpflege in der Schweiz. Jusletter 2024, Aug 26. [Legal Memorandum].
  • Lussi C, Bickenbach J, Halvorsen R, Sabariego C: Trends over the past 15 years in long-term care in Switzerland: a comparison with Germany, Italy, Norway, and the United Kingdom. BMC Geriatr 2024, 24(1):627.
  • Mahler JL, Schneider S, Wöllner J, Pannek J, Krebs J. Impact of bladder management methods and other factors on sexual activity in women with chronic spinal cord injury/disease. Sex med 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Maritz R, Beganovic L, Weisstanner D, Menzi L, Sabariego C: Exploring perspectives on implementing the World Health Assembly's Resolution for Strengthening Rehabilitation in Health Systems in Switzerland: a representative rehabilitation stakeholder survey. Disabil Rehabil 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Metzger S, Polanco B, Eriks-Hoogland I, Scheel-Sailer A, Pacheco Barzallo D: Utilization and features of rehabilitation and health services for persons with spinal cord injury. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2024, 60(4):634-642.
  • Mondal H, Mickael ME, Matin M, Hrg D, Smith MA, Matin FB, Bhattacharjee S, Yeung AWK, Atanasov AG, Stoyanov J: The power of #physiotherapy: a social media hashtag investigation on X (formerly Twitter). Explor Digit Health Technol 2024, 2:135-144.
  • Moreira B, Hodel J, Selb M, Kim J, Fellinghauer C, Bickenbach J, Sabariego C: Overview of available functioning data in Switzerland: Supporting the use of functioning as a health indicator alongside mortality and morbidity. Int J Public Health 2024, 69:1607366.
  • Mueller G, Berlowitz DJ, Raab AM, Postma K, Gobets D, Huber B, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Schubert M, Wildburger R, Brinkhof MWG: Incidence and Risk Factors of Pneumonia in Individuals With Acute Spinal Cord Injury: A Multi-national, Multi-center, Prospective Cohort Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 105(5):884-891.
  • Mueller G, Eriks-Hoogland I, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Schubert M, Bertschy S, Wenk C, Brinkhof MWG: Respiratory Vaccination Rates in People Living With Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder in Switzerland: A Descriptive Analysis of Coverage and Vaccine Hesitancy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S333-S340.
  • Oña A, Schwegler U, Leiulfsrud A, Kouda K, Boekel A, Pacheco D: Disability, Unemployment, and Inequality: A Cross-Country Comparison of the Situation of Persons With Spinal Cord Injury. Int J Soc Determinants Health Health Serv 2024, 54(3):247-259.
  • Oña A, Tadele R, Alemu Y, Aegerted A, Bychkovska O, Manyazewal Mussie K: Occupational injuries and their sociodemographic, workplace, and behavioral determinants among large scale factory workers in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. Cad Saude Publica 2024, 40(8):e00162923.
  • Pacheco Barzallo D, Oña A, Brach M, Gemperli A: Healthcare Service Utilization and Related Costs. A Comparison of the Situation of Persons With Spinal Cord Injury to the General Population. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S251-S259.
  • Pacheco Barzallo D, Schnyder A, Zanini C, Gemperli A: Gender Differences in Family Caregiving. Do female caregivers do more or undertake different tasks? BMC Health Serv Res 2024, 24(1):730.
  • Pannek J, Mahler J, Kurmann C, Widmer A, Krebs J, Wöllner J: An in-vitro model for bacteria-related catheter encrustations. World J Urol 2024, 42:469.
  • Pattanakuhar S, Kammuang-Lue P, Komaratat N, Chotiyarnwong C, Kovindha A, Gemperli A: Do individuals from an SCI-specialized rehabilitation facility have fewer secondary health conditions than those from a non-SCI-specialized rehabilitation facility? Analysis of the InSCI database from a middle-income country. J Spinal Cord Med 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Pattanakuhar S, Kammuang-lue P, Srisuppaphon D, Chotiyarnwong C, Kovindha A, Schwegler U: The prevalence and influencing factors of remunerative employment in people with chronic spinal cord injury in a middle-income country: Analysis of the Thai International Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey database. J Vocat Rehabil 2024, 61(2):253-264.
  • Pattanakuhar S, Schwegler U, Prommueang P, Hama T, Patanakuha S, Sumin N: Increasing employment opportunity for persons with spinal cord injury by digital working: an exampling case series from Thailand. Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2024, 10(1):11.
  • Pauly T, Lüscher J, Berli C, Hoppmann CA, Murphy RA, Ashe MC, Linden W, Madden KM, Gerstorf D, Scholz U: Let's Enjoy an Evening on the Couch? A Daily Life Investigation of Shared Problematic Behaviors in Three Couple Studies. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2024, 50(5):733-749.
  • Pauly T, Lüscher J, Wilhelm LO, Amrein MA, Boateng G, Kowatsch T, Fleisch E, Bodenmann G, Scholz U: Using wearables to study biopsychosocial dynamics in couples who cope with a chronic health condition: Ambulatory assessment study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2024, 12:e49576.
  • Perret C: Physiological consequences and challenges related to exercise performance in wheelchair sports. SEMS J 2024.
  • Perret C, Käch M, Hertig-Godeschalk A, Ammann F: Strength and power adaptations of the upper body following 20 training sessions on an eccentric arm-crank ergometer. Eur J Appl Physiol 2024, 124(9):2777-2785.
  • Polanco B, Oña A, Sabariego C, Pacheco Barzallo D: Chronic health conditions and their impact on the labor market: A cross-country comparison in Europe. SSM Popul Health 2024, 26:101666.
  • Raggi A, Bernard RM, Toppo C, Sabariego C, Salvador Carulla L, Lukersmith S, Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Merecz-Kot D, Olaya B, Antunes Lima R, Gutiérrez-Marín D, Vorstenbosch E, Curatoli C, Cacciatore M: The EMPOWER Occupational e–Mental Health Intervention Implementation Checklist to Foster e–Mental Health Interventions in the Workplace: Development Study. J Med Internet Res 2024, 26:e48504.
  • Raguindin PF, Itodo OA, Eriks-Hoogland I, Muka T, Brach M, Stucki G, Stoyanov J, Glisic M: Does cardiometabolic risk profile differ among individuals with traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI): the evidence from the multicenter SCI cohort in Switzerland (SwiSCI). Spinal Cord 2024, 62(7):387-395.
  • Romanova A, Rubinelli S, Diviani N: Improving health and scientific literacy in disadvantaged groups: A scoping review of interventions. Patient Educ Couns 2024, 122:108168.
  • Rubinelli S, Diviani N: An argumentation theory-based assessment tool for evaluating disinformation in health-related claims. Patient Educ Couns 2024, 133:108622.
  • Sabariego C, Fellinghauer C, Hodel J, Ehrmann C, Eriks-Hoogland I, Seijas V, Stucki G: Time since injury is key to modelling trends in ageing and overall functioning of persons with Spinal Cord Injury: a longitudinal analysis of a Swiss community survey. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S240-S250.
  • Sabariego C, Hodel J, Seijas V, Rodriguez-Laso A, Bickenbach J, Ehrmann C: Are healthy ageing trajectories suitable to identify rehabilitation needs of the ageing population? An exploratory study using ATHLOS cohort data. PLoS One 2024, 19(7):e0303865.
  • Sabariego C, Kamenov K, Barrett D, Cieza A, Bickenbach JE, Pacheco Barzallo D: Can we still ensure no one is left behind by 2030? Demonstrating the potential of the implementation of the WHO Functioning and Disability Disaggregation Tool (FDD11) in existing survey platforms for disaggregating SDG indicators by disability. Disabil Rehabil 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Sabariego C, Lee L, Bickenbach J, Chatterji, S: Estimating disability prevalence in population surveys: an exploratory study using national surveys carried out in Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and USA. Disabil Rehabil 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Salvador D Jr, Liv P, Norberg M, Pahud de Mortanges A, Saner H, Glisic M, Nicoll R, Muka T, Nyman E, Bano A, Näslund U: Changes in fasting plasma glucose and subclinical atherosclerosis: A cohort study from VIPVIZA trial. Atherosclerosis 2024, 394:117326.
  • Schibli S, Koch-Borner S, Arnet U, Fridén J: Clinical outcome of elbow extension restoration by posterior deltoid-to-triceps transfer in tetraplegia: a retrospective review of 51 patients. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2024.
    [Epub ahead of print]
  • Schwegler U, Galvis Aparicio M, Staubli S, Austin-Cliff G, Brinkhof MWG: Labor Market Participation of Persons With Spinal Cord Injury Living in Switzerland Between 2012 and 2022: A Comparison to the General Population. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024, 103(11S Suppl 3):S310-S318.
  • Seijas V, Maritz R, Fernandes P, Bernard RM, Lugo LH, Bickenbach J, Sabariego C: Rehabilitation delivery models to foster healthy ageing—a scoping review. Front Rehabil Sci 2024, 5:1307536.
  • Seijas V, Maritz R, Mishra S, Bernard RM, Fernandes P, Lorenz V, Machado B, Posada AM, Lugo-Agudelo LH, Bickenbach J, Sabariego C: Rehabilitation in primary care for an ageing population: a secondary analysis from a scoping review of rehabilitation delivery models. BMC Health Serv Res 2024, 24(1):123.
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Books and book chapters

  • Rubinelli S, Diviani N, Fiordelli M: Towards a Framework of Skills for Health Information Appraisal: Insights from Argumentation Theory and the Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences. In: Lewis M, Govender E, Holland K (eds). Communicating COVID-19: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Pandemics and Health Crises. Springer 2024:439-455.


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