Publications 2022
Articles peer reviewed
- Anderson CE, Birkhäuser V, Jordan X, Liechti MD, Luca E, Möhr S, Pannek J, Kessler TM, Brinkhof MWG: Urological Management at Discharge from Acute Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: A Descriptive Analysis from a Population-based Prospective Cohort. Eur Urol Open Sci 2022, 38:1-9.
- Anderson CE, Birkhäuser V, Liechti MD, Jordan X, Luca E, Möhr S, Pannek J, Kessler TM, Brinkhof MWG: Sex differences in urological management during spinal cord injury rehabilitation: results from a prospective multicenter longitudinal cohort study. Spinal Cord 2022.
[Epub ahead of print] - Anderson CE, Kozomara M, Birkhäuser V, Bywater M, Gross O, Kiss S, Knüpfer SC, Koschorke M, Leitner L, Mehnert U, Sadri H, Sammer U, Stächele L, Tornic J, Liechti MD, Brinkhof MW, Kessler TM: Temporal development of unfavourable urodynamic parameters during the first year after spinal cord injury. BJU Int 2022.
[Epub ahead of print] - Arnet U, Boninger ML, Cools A, Bossuyt FM: Effect of Fatiguing Wheelchair Propulsion and Weight Relief Lifts on Subacromial Space in Wheelchair Users. Front Rehabil Sci 2022, 3:849629.
- Arnet U, de Vries WH, Eriks-Hoogland I, Wisianowsky C, van der Woude LHV, Veeger D, Berger M; SwiSCI Study Group: MRI evaluation of shoulder pathologies in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury and the relation to shoulder pain. J Spinal Cord Med 2022, 45(6):916-929.
- Barmpas P, Tasoulis S, Vrahatis AG, Georgakopoulos SV, Anagnostou P, Prina M, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Bickenbach J, Bayes I, Bobak M, Caballero FF, Chatterji S, Egea-Cortés L, García-Esquinas E, Leonardi M, Koskinen S, Koupil I, Paja KA, Prince M, Sanderson W, Scherbov S, Tamosiunas A, Galas A, Haro JM, Sanchez-Niubo A, Plagianakos VP, Panagiotakos D: A divisive hierarchical clustering methodology for enhancing the ensemble prediction power in large scale population studies: the ATHLOS project. Health Inf Sci Syst 2022, 10(1):6.
- Bennardi M, Diviani N, Saletti P, Gamondi C, Stüssi G, Cinesi I, Rubinelli S: A qualitative analysis of educational, professional and socio-cultural issues affecting interprofessional collaboration in oncology palliative care. Patient Educ Couns 2022, 105(9):2976-2983.
- Bernard RM, Toppo C, Raggi A, de Mul M, de Miquel C, Pugliese MT, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Ortiz-Tallo A, Salvador-Carulla L, Lukersmith S, Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Merecz-Kot D, Staszewska K, Sabariego C: Strategies for Implementing Occupational eMental Health Interventions: Scoping Review. J Med Internet Res 2022, 24(6):e34479.
- Bickenbach J, Stucki G, van Ginneken E, Busse R: Editorial: Strengthening Rehabilitation in Europe. Health Policy 2022, 126(3):151.
- Bierbauer W, Lüscher J, Scholz U: Illness perceptions in long-COVID: A cross-sectional analysis in adults. Cogent Psychology 2022, 9(1):2105007.
- Boehl G, Raguindin PF, Valido E, Bertolo A, Itodo OA, Minder B, Lampart P, Scheel-Sailer A, Leichtle A, Glisic M, Stoyanov J: Endocrinological and inflammatory markers in individuals with spinal cord injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev Endocr Metab Disord 2022, 23(5):1035-1050.
- Bossuyt FM, Abramovic S, Leonard T, Sawatsky A, Smith CR, Taylor WR, Scott WM, Herzog W: The non-intuitive, in-vivo behavior of aponeuroses in a unipennate muscle. J Biomech 2022, 111430.
[Epub ahead of print] - Bossuyt FM, Mason BS, Briley S, O'Brien TJ, Boninger ML, Arnet U, Goosey-Tolfrey VL: Shoulder Tendon Adaptations Following a Graded Exercise Test to Exhaustion in Highly Trained Wheelchair Rugby Athletes With Different Impairments. Front Rehabil Sci 2022, 2:755466.
- Braunwalder C, Ehrmann C, Hodel J, Müller R, von Matt D, Fekete C: Pain Trajectories During Initial Rehabilitation After Spinal Cord Injury: Do Psychosocial Resources and Mental Health Predict Trajectories? Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2022, 103(7):1294-1302.
- Braunwalder C, Müller R, Glisic M, Fekete C: Are Positive Psychology Interventions Efficacious in Chronic Pain Treatment? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Pain Med 2022, 23(1):122-136.
- Burkhalter D, Wagner A, Feer S, Wieber F, Ihle A, Baumann I: Financial Reasons for Working beyond the Statutory Retirement Age: Risk Factors and Associations with Health in Late Life. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022, 19(17):10505.
- Bychkovska O, Tederko P, Engkasan JP, Hajjioui A, Gemperli A: Healthcare service utilization patterns and patient experience in persons with spinal cord injury: a comparison across 22 countries. BMC Health Serv Res 2022, 22(1):755.
- Charalampous P, Pallari E, Gorasso V, von der Lippe E, Devleesschauwer B, Pires SM, Plass D, Idavain J, Ngwa CH, Noguer I, Padron-Monedero A, Sarmiento R, Majdan M, Ádám B, AlKerwi A, Cilovic-Lagarija S, Clarsen B, Corso B, Cuschieri S, Dopelt K, Economou M, Fischer F, Freitas A, García-González JM, Gazzelloni F, Gkitakou A, Gulmez H, Hynds P, Isola G, Jakobsen LS, Kabir Z, Kissimova-Skarbek K, Knudsen AK, Konar NM, Ladeira C, Lassen B, Liew A, Majer M, Mechili EA, Mereke A, Monasta L, Mondello S, Morgado JN, Nena E, Ng ESW, Niranjan V, Nola IA, O'Caoimh R, Petrou P, Pinheiro V, Ortiz MR, Riva S, Samouda H, Santos JV, Santoso CMA, Milicevic MS, Skempes D, Sousa AC, Speybroeck N, Tozija F, Unim B, Uysal HB, Vaccaro FG, Varga O, Vasic M, Violante FS, Wyper GMA, Polinder S, Haagsma JA: Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review. BMC Public Health 2022, 22(1):1564.
- Chen C, Qiao X, Liu W, Fekete C, Reinhardt JD: Epidemiology of spinal cord injury in China: A systematic review of the chinese and english literature. Spinal Cord 2022, 60(12):1050-1061.
- Chen CP, Chen YW, Chang KH, Huang SW, Wu CH, Escorpizo R, Stucki G, Liou TH: Clustering of functioning and disability profile based on the WHO disability assessment schedule 2.0 - a nationwide databank study. Disabil Rehabil 2022, 44(3):353-362.
- Chen HL, Yang FA, Lee TH, Liou TH, Escorpizo R, Chen HC: Effectiveness of interferential current therapy in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sci Rep 2022, 12(1):9694.
- Cieza A, Kwamie A, Magaqa Q, Paichadze N, Sabariego C, Blanchet K, Zia N, Bachani AM, Ghaffar A, Mikkelsen B: Framing rehabilitation through health policy and systems research: priorities for strengthening rehabilitation. Health Res Policy Syst 2022, 20(1):101.
- de Vries WHK, Amrein S, Arnet U, Mayrhuber L, Ehrmann C, Veeger HEJ: Classification of Wheelchair Related Shoulder Loading Activities from Wearable Sensor Data: A Machine Learning Approach. Sensors (Basel) 2022, 22(19):7404.
- Diviani N, Rubinelli S: Self-management of complex chronic conditions: Recommendations for qualitative health communication research. Qualitative Health Communication 2022, 1(1):122-133.
- Egger SM, Gemperli A, Filippo M, Liechti R, Gantschnig BE: "The experiences and needs of persons with disabilities in using paratransit services". Disabil Health J 2022, 101365.
[Epub ahead of print] - Fähndrich C, Gemperli A, Baumberger M, Bechtiger M, Roth B, Schaefer DJ, Wettstein R, Scheel-Sailer A: Treatment approaches of stage III and IV pressure injury in people with spinal cord injury: A scoping review. J Spinal Cord Med 2022, 1-11.
[Epub ahead of print] - Fekete C, Debnar C, Scheel-Sailer A, Gemperli A: Does the socioeconomic status predict health service utilization in persons with enhanced health care needs? Results from a population-based survey in persons with spinal cord lesions from Switzerland. Int J Equity Health 2022, 21(1):94.
- Fekete C, Tough H, Leiulfsrud AS, Postma K, Bökel A, Tederko P, Reinhardt JD: Socioeconomic Status, the Countries’ Socioeconomic Development and Mental Health: Observational Evidence for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury from 22 Countries. Int J Public Health 2022, 67:1604673.
- Feng C, Yu B, Fu Y, Reinhardt JD, Yang S: Relationships of Illness Perceptions with Depression and Anxiety in People Who Live with HIV/AIDS in a High-prevalence Ethnic Autonomous Region of Sichuan, China. AIDS Behav 2022, 26(11):3783-3793.
- Franchini F, Kusejko K, Marzolini C, Tellenbach C, Rossi S, Stampf S, Koller M, Stoyanov J, Möller B, Leichtle AB: Collaborative Challenges of Multi-Cohort Projects in Pharmacogenetics-Why Time Is Essential for Meaningful Collaborations. JMIR Form Res 2022, 6(9):e36759.
- Frontera WR, Stucki G, Engkasan JP, Francisco GE, Gutenbrunner C, Hasnan N, Lains J, Yusof YM, Negrini S, Omar Z, Battistella LR, Sowa G, Stam H, Bickenbach J; European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine; Association of Academic Physiatrists; International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: Advancing Academic Capacity in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine to Strengthen Rehabilitation in Health Systems Worldwide: A Joint Effort by the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, the Association of Academic Physiatrists, and the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. J Rehabil Med 2022, 54:jrm00310.
- Gimigliano F, Francisco GE, Khan F, Li L, Schiappacasse C, Laffont I, Melvin J, Stucki G, Lains J, Frontera WR: Comment on: "Fostering a uniform global name for the specialty of physicians working in rehabilitation". Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2022.
[Epub ahead of print] - Glisic M, Flueck JL, Ruettimann B, Hertig-Godeschalk A, Valido E, Bertolo A, Stucki G, Stoyanov J: The feasibility of a crossover, randomized controlled trial design to assess the effect of probiotics and prebiotics on health of elite Swiss para-athletes: a study protocol. Pilot Feasibility Stud 2022, 8(1):94.
- Gong Z, Reinhardt JD, Han Z, Ba Z, Lei S: Associations between school bullying and anxiety in children and adolescents from an ethnic autonomous county in China. Psychiatry Res 2022, 314:114649.
- Grisotto G, Farago JS, Taneri PE, Wehrli F, Roa-Díaz ZM, Minder B, Glisic M, Gonzalez-Jaramillo V, Voortman T, Marques-Vidal P, Franco OH, Muka T: Dietary factors and onset of natural menopause: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Maturitas 2022, 159:15-32.
- Hajjioui A, Fourtassi M, Tachfouti N, Laaroussi Z, Boulman S, Boujraf S, Fekete C. People with spinal cord injury in Morocco: results from the very first systematic data collection. Disabil Rehabil 2022, 44(25):8054-8065.
- Hong JP, Lee CH, Lee YH, Escorpizo R, Chiang YC, Liou TH: Functional status and return to work in people with major depression: a 3-year national follow-up study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2022, 57(6):1179-1188.
- Itodo OA, Flueck JL, Raguindin PF, Stojic S, Brach M, Perret C, Minder B, Franco OH, Muka T, Stucki G, Stoyanov J, Glisic M: Physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with spinal cord injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Epidemiol 2022, 37(4):335-365.
- Itodo OA, Raguindin PF, Wöllner J, Eriks-Hoogland I, Jordan X, Hund-Georgiadis M, Muka T, Pannek J, Stoyanov J, Glisic M: Early Changes in Androgen Levels in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: A Longitudinal SwiSCI Study. J Clin Med 2022, 11(21):6559.
- Karcz K, Ehrmann C, Finger ME, Schwegler U, Scheel-Sailer A, Trezzini B: Predicting change in labour market participation of people with spinal cord injury (SCI): longitudinal evidence from the Swiss SCI community survey. Spinal Cord 2022, 60(11):996-1005.
- Karcz K, Schiffmann B, Schwegler U, Staubli S, Finger ME: Facilitators and Barriers to Sustainable Employment After Spinal Cord Injury or Acquired Brain Injury: The Person's Perspective. Front Rehabil Sci 2022, 3:872782.
- Karcz K, Trezzini B, Escorpizo R, Finger ME: Factors associated with sustaining work with chronic spinal cord injury: a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil 2022, 44(24):7723-7738.
- Karcz K, Trezzini B, Escorpizo R, Schwegler U, Finger ME: Factors associated with sustaining work after an acquired brain injury: a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil 2022, 44(21):6510-6530.
- Kleinitz P, Sabariego C, Cieza A: Development of the WHO STARS: A Tool for the Systematic Assessment of Rehabilitation Situation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2022, 103(1):29-43.
- Kunz S, Carrard V, Galvis Aparicio M, Scheel-Sailer A, Fekete C, Lude P, Post MWM, Westphal M: Longitudinal measurement invariance of the international spinal cord injury quality of life basic data set (SCI-QoL-BDS) during spinal cord injury/disorder inpatient rehabilitation. Qual Life Res 2022, 31(4):1247-1256.
- Lampart P, Häusler F, Langewitz W, Rubinelli S, Sigrist-Nix D, Scheel-Sailer A: Patients' experiences with goal setting during initial rehabilitation after newly acquired spinal cord injury: A pilot qualitative interview study. J Spinal Cord Med 2022, 1-11.
[Epub ahead of print] - Lampart P, Schäppi L, Langewitz WA, Rubinelli S, Sigrist-Nix D, Scheel-Sailer A: Health care professionals' experiences with goal setting during initial rehabilitation after newly acquired spinal cord injury/ disorder - a qualitative focus group study. Front Rehabil Sci 2022, 3:982321.
- Lee L, Kamenov K, Fellinghauer C, Sabariego C, Chatterji S, Cieza A: WHO Functioning and Disability Disaggregation (FDD11) tool: a reliable approach for disaggregating data by disability. Arch Public Health 2022, 80(1):249.
- Lee TH, Liu CH, Chen PC, Liou TH, Escorpizo R, Chen HC: Effectiveness of mental simulation practices after total knee arthroplasty in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS One 2022, 17(6):e0269296.
- Li J, Xia W, Zhan C, Liu S, Yin Z, Wang J, Chong Y, Zheng C, Fang X, Cheng W, Reinhardt JD: A telerehabilitation programme in post-discharge COVID-19 patients (TERECO): a randomised controlled trial. Thorax 2022, 77(7):697-706.
- Lin CL, Liao CD, Lee YH, Escorpizo R, Liou TH, Huang SW: Delphi-Based Consensus to Determine Core Aspects of Post-Hip-Fracture Surgery Rehabilitation Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022, 19(23):15988.
- Llanaj E, Ahanchi NS, Dizdari H, Taneri PE, Niehot CD, Wehrli F, Khatami F, Raeisi-Dehkordi H, Kastrati L, Bano A, Glisic M, Muka T: Buckwheat and Cardiometabolic Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Pers Med 2022, 12(12):1940.
- Llanaj E, Dejanovic GM, Valido E, Bano A, Gamba M, Kastrati L, Minder B, Stojic S, Voortman T, Marques-Vidal P, Stoyanov J, Metzger B, Glisic M, Kern H, Muka T: Effect of oat supplementation interventions on cardiovascular disease risk markers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Eur J Nutr 2022, 61(4):1749-1778.
- Lu SJ, Liou TH, Lee MB, Yen CF, Chen YL, Escorpizo R, Pan AW: Predictors of Employment Status for Persons with Bipolar Disorder. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022, 19(6):3512.
- Lüscher J, Radtke T: The impact of adolescent's daily electronic media use on sleep: Insights from adolescent's and their mother's point of view. Appl Psychol Health Well Being 2022.
[Epub ahead of print] - Maritz R, Fellinghauer C, Brach M, Curt A, Gmünder HP, Hopfe M, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Scheel-Sailer A, Stucki G: A Rasch-Based Comparison of the Functional Independence Measure and Spinal Cord Independence Measure for Outcome and Quality in the Rehabilitation of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. J Rehabil Med 2022, 54:jrm00262.
- Mayrhuber L, Rietveld T, de Vries W, van der Woude LHV, de Groot S, Vegter RJK: A Scoping Review on Shoulder Injuries of Wheelchair Tennis Players: Potential Risk-Factors and Musculoskeletal Adaptations. Front Rehabil Sci 2022, 3:862233.
- Middleton JW, Arora M, Kifley A, Geraghty T, Borg SJ, Marshall R, Clark J, Nunn A, Ferrante A, Fekete C, Stucki G, Gopinath B, Craig A, Cameron ID: Australian arm of the International Spinal Cord Injury (Aus-InSCI) community survey: 1. population-based design, methodology and cohort profile. Spinal Cord 2022.
[Epub ahead of print] - Müller R, Segerer W, Ronca E, Gemperli A, Stirnimann D, Scheel-Sailer A, Jensen MP: Inducing positive emotions to reduce chronic pain: a randomized controlled trial of positive psychology exercises. Disabil Rehabil 2022, 44(12):2691-2704.
- Negrini S, Selb M, Kiekens C, Todhunter-Brown A, Arienti C, Stucki G, Meyer T; 3rd Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodology Meeting participants: Rehabilitation definition for research purposes. A global stakeholders' initiative by Cochrane Rehabilitation. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2022, 58(3):333-341.
- Noten S, Rodby-Bousquet E, Limsakul C, Tipchatyotin S, Visser F, Grootoonk A, Thorpe DE, van der Slot WM, Selb M, Roebroeck ME; ICF Core Set for Adults with CP Study Group: An international clinical perspective on functioning and disability in adults with cerebral palsy. Disabil Health J 2022, 15(3):101318.
- Noten S, Selb M, Troenosemito LAA, Thorpe DE, Rodby-Bousquet E, van der Slot WMA, Roebroeck ME; ICF Core Set for Adults with CP Study Group: ICF Core Sets for the assessment of functioning of adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol 2022, 64(5):569-577.
- Olaya B, Van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Merecz-Kot D, Sinokki M, Naumanen P, Shepherd J, van Krugten F, de Mul M, Staszewska K, Vorstenbosch E, de Miquel C, Lima RA, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Salvador-Carulla L, Borrega O, Sabariego C, Bernard RM, Vanroelen C, Gevaert J, Van Aerden K, Raggi A, Seghezzi F, EMPOWER Consortium, Haro JM: Study protocol of EMPOWER: A cluster randomized trial of a multimodal eHealth intervention for promoting mental health in the workplace following a stepped wedge trial design. Digit Health 2022, 8:20552076221131145.
- Pacheco Barzallo D, Hernandez R, Brach M, Gemperli A: The economic value of long-term family caregiving. The situation of caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury in Switzerland. Health Soc Care Community 2022, 30(5):e2297-e2307.
- Paltrinieri S, Costi S, Pellegrini M, Díaz Crescitelli ME, Vicentini M, Mancuso P, Giorgi Rossi P, Fugazzaro S, Mazzini E, Escorpizo R, Ghirotto L: Adaptation of the Core Set for Vocational Rehabilitation for Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Consensus-Based Study. J Occup Rehabil 2022, 32(4):718-730.
- Post MWM, Fellinghauer CS, Charlifue S, New PW, Forchheimer MB, Tate DG: Rasch Analysis of the International Quality of Life Basic Data Set Version 2.0. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2022, 103(11):2120-2130.
- Prodinger B, Coenen M, Hammond A, Küçükdeveci AA, Tennant A: Scale Banking for Patient-Reported Outcome Measures That Measure Functioning in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Daily Activities Metric. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2022, 74(4):579-587.
- Qama E, Diviani N, Grignoli N, Rubinelli S: Health professionals' view on the role of hope and communication challenges with patients in palliative care: A systematic narrative review. Patient Educ Couns 2022, 105(6):1470-1487.
- Qama E, Rubinelli S, Diviani N: Factors influencing the integration of self-management in daily life routines in chronic conditions: a scoping review of qualitative evidence. BMJ Open 2022, 12(12):e066647.
- Raeisi-Dehkordi H, Kummer S, Raguindin PF, Dejanovic G, Taneri PE, Cardona I, Kastrati L, Minder B, Voortman T, Marques-Vidal P, Dhana K, Glisic M, Muka T: Risk Prediction Models of Natural Menopause Onset: A Systematic Review. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2022, 107(10):2934-2944.
- Raguindin PF, Cardona I, Muka T, Lambrinoudaki I, Gebhard C, Franco OH, Marques-Vidal P, Glisic M: Does reproductive stage impact cardiovascular disease risk factors? Results from a population-based cohort in Lausanne (CoLaus study). Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2022, 97(5):568-580.
- Raguindin PF, Stoyanov J, Eriks-Hoogland I, Stucki G, Jordan X, Schubert M, Franco OH, Muka T, Glisic M; Swiss Spinal Cord Injury (SwiSCI) Study Group: Cardiometabolic risk profiling during spinal cord injury rehabilitation: A longitudinal analysis from the Swiss Spinal Cord Injury (SwiSCI) cohort. PM R 2022.
[Epub ahead of print] - Rivero-Calle I, Raguindin PF, Pardo-Seco J, Martinon-Torres F: Risk Analysis by Age on the Burden of Meningococcal Disease in Spain. Vaccines (Basel) 2022, 10(4):592.
- Rubinelli S, Fiordelli M, Zanini C, Diviani N: It is time for health institutions to invest in persuasive communication to combat low quality information: A lesson learned from the COVID-19 infodemic. Front Commun 2022, 243.
- Rubinelli S, Purnat TD, Wilhelm E, Traicoff D, Namageyo-Funa A, Thomson A, Wardle C, Lamichhane J, Briand S, Nguyen T: WHO competency framework for health authorities and institutions to manage infodemics: its development and features. Hum Resour Health 2022, 20(1):35.
- Rubinelli S, Purnat TD, Wilhelm E, Traicoff D, Namageyo-Funa A, Thomson A, Wardle C, Lamichhane J, Briand S, Nguyen T: Correction to: WHO competency framework for health authorities and institutions to manage infodemics: its development and features. Hum Resour Health 2022, 20(1):49.
- Sabariego C, Bickenbach J, Stucki G: Supporting evidence-informed policy making in rehabilitation: A logic framework for continuous improvement of rehabilitation programs. Health Policy 2022, 126(3):152-157.
- Sabariego C, Fellinghauer C, Lee L, Kamenov K, Posarac A, Bickenbach J, Kostanjsek N, Chatterji S, Cieza A: Generating comprehensive functioning and disability data worldwide: development process, data analyses strategy and reliability of the WHO and World Bank Model Disability Survey. Arch Public Health 2022, 80(1):6.
- Sabariego C, Selb M, Ehrmann C, Sturzenegger C, Lüthi F, Léger B, Figura S, Brach M, Stucki G: ICF-basierter Ansatz zur Wirkungsmessung von Rehabilitationsleistungen der Suva. Suva Medical 2022.
- Saketkoo LA, Escorpizo R, Varga J, Keen KJ, Fligelstone K, Birring SS, Alexanderson H, Pettersson H, Chaudhry HA, Poole JL, Regardt M, LeSage D, Sarver C, Lanario J, Renzoni E, Scholand MB, Lammi MR, Kowal-Bielecka O, Distler O, Frech T, Shapiro L, Varju C, Volkmann ER, Bernstein EJ, Drent M, Obi ON, Patterson KC, Russell AM; Global Fellowship on Rehabilitation and Exercise in Systemic Sclerosis (G-FoRSS): World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set Development for Interstitial Lung Disease. Front Pharmacol 2022, 13:979788.
- Salvador DB, Jr., Gamba MR, Gonzalez-Jaramillo N, Gonzalez-Jaramillo V, Raguindin PF, Minder B, Gräni C, Wilhelm M, Stettler C, Doria A, Franco OH, Muka T, Bano A: Diabetes and Myocardial Fibrosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2022, 15(5):796-808.
- Scheel-Sailer A, Selb M, Baumberger M, Gemperli A, Eriks-Hoogland I, Jelmoni L, Metzger S, Pannek J, Sigrist-Nix D, Stucki G: Characterizing the Services of a Rehabilitation Centre Specialized in Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder using the International Classification of Service Organization in Rehabilitation 2.0 and Implications for Health Reporting: A Demonstration Project. J Rehabil Med 2022, 54:jrm00332.
- Scheel-Sailer A, Selb M, Gmünder HP, Baumberger M, Curt A, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Stucki G; Swiss SCI/D Rehabilitation Interest Group: Towards the implementation of clinical quality management at the national level: description of current types of rehabilitation services for spinal cord injury/disorder in Switzerland using an interdisciplinary consensus process. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2022, 58(2):190-198.
- Schiffmann B, Finger ME, Karcz K, Staubli S, Trezzini B: Factors related to sustainable employment of people with acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury: The employer's perspective. Front Rehabil Sci 2022, 3:876389.
- Selb M, Nicol R, Hartvigsen J, Segerer W, Côté P; ICF Manual Medicine Expert Group: An ICF-based assessment schedule to facilitate the assessment and reporting of functioning in manual medicine - low back pain as a case in point. Disabil Rehabil 2022, 44(26):8339-8348.
- Selb M, Nicol R, Hartvigsen J, Segerer W, Côté P: Author response to the commentary on the article entitled "An ICF-based assessment schedule to facilitate the assessment and reporting of functioning in manual medicine - low back pain as a case in point". Disabil Rehabil 2022, 1-2.
[Epub ahead of print] - Shahabi S, Skempes D, Mojgani P, Bagheri Lankarani K, Heydari ST: Stewardship of physiotherapy services in Iran: common pitfalls and policy solutions. Physiother Theory Pract 2022, 38(12):2086-2099.
- Skempes D, Kiekens C, Malmivaara A, Michail X, Bickenbach J, Stucki G: Supporting government policies to embed and expand rehabilitation in health systems in Europe: A framework for action. Health Policy 2022, 126(3):158-172.
- Spiess AAF, Skempes D, Bickenbach J, Stucki G: Exploration of current challenges in rehabilitation from the perspective of healthcare professionals: Switzerland as a case in point. Health Policy 2022, 126(3):173-182.
- Stute P, Bertschy S, Birkhaeuser M, Bitzer J, Ging A, Raggi A, Steimann S, Stute V: Swiss consensus on the role of DHEA in the management of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Climacteric 2022, 25(3):246-256.
- Taneri PE, Wehrli F, Roa-Díaz ZM, Itodo OA, Salvador D, Raeisi-Dehkordi H, Bally L, Minder B, Kiefte-de Jong JC, Laine JE, Bano A, Glisic M, Muka T: Association Between Ultra-Processed Food Intake and All-Cause Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Epidemiol 2022, 191(7):1323-1335.
- Tasiemski T, Kujawa J, Tederko P, Rubinelli S, Middleton JW, Craig A, Post MWM: Comparison of Life Satisfaction in Persons With Spinal Cord Injury Living in 22 Countries With Different Economic Status. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2022, 103(7):1285-1293.
- Tomaschek R, Gemperli A, Baumberger M, Debecker I, Merlo C, Scheel-Sailer A, Studer C, Essig S: Role distribution and collaboration between specialists and rural general practitioners in long-term chronic care: a qualitative study in Switzerland. Swiss Med Wkly 2022, 152:40015.
- Tomaschek R, Gemperli A, Essig S. Improving collaboration between specialists and general practitioners in services for individuals with chronic spinal cord injury living in rural areas of Switzerland: Baseline results from the SCI-Co study. J Spinal Cord Med 2022, 1-9.
[Epub ahead of print] - Tomaschek R, Lampart P, Scheel-Sailer A, Gemperli A, Merlo C, Essig S: Improvement Strategies for the Challenging Collaboration of General Practitioners and Specialists for Patients with Complex Chronic Conditions: A Scoping Review. Int J Integr Care 2022, 22(3):4.
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Livres et chapitres de livres
- Bickenbach J, Sabariego C, Stucki G, Buschmann-Steinhage R: Zielgruppen der Rehabilitation. In: Meyer T, Bengel J, Wirtz MA (eds.). Lehrbuch der Rehabilitationswissenschaften. Hogrefe 2022, 58-69.
- Bickenbach J, Stucki G: Das ICF-Modell der funktionalen Gesundheit. In: Meyer T, Bengel J, Wirtz MA (eds.). Lehrbuch der Rehabilitationswissenschaften. Hogrefe 2022, 30-57.
- Fellinghauer C, Posarac A, Bickenbach J, Jasarevic M. Bulgaria: Options for Including Functioning into Disability Status Assessment (English). World Bank Group, 2022.
- Fiordelli M, Diviani N: Granting Access to Information Is Not Enough: Towards an Integrated Concept of Health Information Acquisition. In: Wac K, Wulfovich S (eds.). Quantifying Quality of Life. Health Informatics 2022, 501-510.
- Posarac A, Bickenbach J, Jasarevic M, Vasiljeva Gringiene V. Bulgaria Disability System and Policy: A Comprehensive Review (English). World Bank Group, 2022.
- Rubinelli S, Diviani N, Fiordelli M, Zanini C: Salute: Il valore della scienza. Prontuario contro la disinformazione. Carocci 2022.
- Sanchez-Niubo A, Sialm A, Vorstenbosch E, Panagiotopoulou M, Gorianin S, Marcon Y, Gutierrez D, Torres T, Rico-Uribe L, Rodriguez-Laso Á, Morillo D, Ayuso JL, González JR, Stoyanov J: Methodological considerations for optimising the exploitation of cohort data in Europe. In: Vorstenbosch E, Haro-Abad JM, Sialm A, SYNCHROS consortium (eds.). Optimising cohort data in Europe. Methodological, practical, ethical and legal considerations. Editorial INDE 2022, 25-38.
- Sialm A, Bickenbach J, Vorstenbosch E: Ethical and legal considerations for optimising the exploitation of cohort data in Europe. In: Vorstenbosch E, Haro-Abad JM, Sialm A, SYNCHROS consortium (eds.). Optimising cohort data in Europe. Methodological, practical, ethical and legal considerations. Editorial INDE 2022, 39-68.
- Sialm A, Polanska K, Derijcke D, Weser A, Krokstad S, Jankowska A, Ikediashi B, Bornengo S, Bekele D, Martínez-Hernáez A, Harnik H: New data collection technologies: state-of-the art and impact on cohort research. In: Vorstenbosch E, Haro-Abad JM, Sialm A, SYNCHROS consortium (eds.). Optimising cohort data in Europe. Methodological, practical, ethical and legal considerations. Editorial INDE 2022, 69-90.
- Sialm A, Vorstenbosch E, Fincias L, Sabariego C, Stoyanov J, Weser A, Bickenbach J, Haro JM: Strategic agenda for optimising cohort data exploitation in Europe. In: Vorstenbosch E, Haro-Abad JM, Sialm A, SYNCHROS consortium (eds.). Optimising cohort data in Europe. Methodological, practical, ethical and legal considerations. Editorial INDE 2022, 91-121.
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- Schwegler U, Staubli S: Das Job Matching Tool: Damit der Mensch und sein Job zusammenpassen. PARAplegiker 02/2022.
- Staubli S, Schwegler U: Die Dropout-Rate senken: In der Schweiz gelingt die berufliche Integration von Menschen mit einer Querschnittlähmung durch Job Coaching. PARAplegiker 01/2022.
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