Pubblicazioni 2007

Articoli peer reviewed

  • Allet L, Cieza A, Bürge E, Finger M, Stucki G, Huber EO. Intervention categories for physiotherapists treating patients with musculoskeletal conditions on the basis of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Int J Rehabil Res 2007;30:273-80.
  • Geyh S, Cieza A, Kollerits B, Grimby G, Stucki G. Content comparison of health-related quality of life measures used in stroke based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF): a systematic review. Qual Life Res 2007;16:833-51.
  • Grimby G, Melvin J, Stucki G. The ICF: A unifying model for the conceptualization, organization and development of human functioning and rehabilitation research. Foreword. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:277-8.
  • Hilfiker R, Bachmann LM, Heitz CA, Lorenz T, Joronen H, Klipstein A. Value of predictive instruments to determine persisting restriction of function in patients with subacute non-specific low back pain. Systematic review. Eur Spine J 2007;16:1755-75.
  • Kirchberger I, Stamm T, Cieza A, Stucki G. Does the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for rheumatoid arthritis capture occupational therapy practice? A content-validity study. Can J Occup Ther 2007;74:267-80.
  • Perret C, Mueller G. Impact of low-intensity isocapnic hyperpnoea on blood lactate disappearance after exhaustive arm exercise. Br J Sports Med 2007;41:588-91; discussion 591
  • Reinhardt JD, Hofer P, Arenz S, Stucki G. Organizing human functioning and rehabilitation research into distinct scientific fields. Part III: Scientific journals. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:308-22.
  • Reinhardt JD, Stucki G. Rheumatoid arthritis and participation – the social animal revisited. J Rheumatol. 2007;34(6):1214-6.
  • Stucki A, Stucki G, Cieza A, Schuurmans MM, Kostanjsek N, Ruof J. Content comparison of health related quality of life instruments for COPD. Respir Med 2007;101:1113-22.
  • Stucki G. Developing human functioning and rehabilitation research. Part I: Academic training programs. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:323-33.
  • Stucki G, Boonen A, Tugwell P, Cieza A, Boers M. The World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: a conceptual model and interface for the OMERACT process. J Rheumatol 2007;34:600-6.
  • Stucki G, Celio M. Developing human functioning and rehabilitation research. Part II: Interdisciplinary university centers and national and regional collaboration networks. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:334-42.
  • Stucki G, Cieza A, Melvin J. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF): a unifying model for the conceptual description of the rehabilitation strategy. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:279-85.
  • Stucki G, Grimby G. Organizing human functioning and rehabilitation research into distinct scientific fields. Part I: Developing a comprehensive structure from the cell to society. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:293-8.
  • Stucki G, Melvin J. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: a unifying model for the conceptual description of physical and rehabilitation medicine. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:286-92.
  • Stucki G, Reinhardt JD, Grimby G, Melvin J. Developing "Human Functioning and Rehabilitation Research" from the comprehensive perspective. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:665-71.
  • Stucki G, Reinhardt JD, Grimby G. Organizing human functioning and rehabilitation research into distinct scientific fields. Part II: Conceptual descriptions and domains for research. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:299- 307.
  • van Drongelen S, Boninger ML, Impink BG, Khalaf T. Ultrasound imaging of acute biceps tendon changes after wheelchair sports. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2007;88:381-5.

Libri e capitoli

 Reinhardt JD, Gradinger F: Behinderung in der Werbung. Jäckel M (ed.): Ambivalenzen des Konsums und der werblichen Kommunikation. VS-Verlag: Wiesbaden. 91-107.


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