Sportmedizin Nottwil - Medizinische Check-Up Angebote

Health checks

Our medical examinations are aimed at discovering possible diseases before symptoms or ailments arise. Early detection allows for diseases to be treated with the greatest amount of success. 

  • The aim of screening is to identify possible diseases before symptoms or problems occur so that the diseases can be treated more successfully.

    The investigation usually comprises an exercise ECG and a resting ECG to exclude any cardiovascular risk factors.

    An ECG (electrocardiogram) records your heart’s electrical activity. It can also indicate the early signs of a heart attack or a heart-related circulatory problem. The investigation is safe and painless.

    We then carry out blood tests to investigate further cardiovascular risk factors, including cholesterol and blood glucose levels as well as important parameters relating to internal organs (liver, kidneys).

    To achieve the best possible benefit from the check, you will first have a discussion with medical staff to assess your current status before undergoing further useful investigations.

    We recommend that men over the age of 40 years and women over the age of 45 years book a customised screening appointment.

  • The goal of the half-day medical check is to provide patients with a better understanding of their medical condition. During the appointment, you will receive recommendations with regard to the changes you can make to improve the quality of your life. Medical checks consist of a medical examination, a blood test and various other tests and consultations.

    Medical check flyer (in german)

  • Have your team examined and counselled as if they were professional athletes. We show you and your team how to achieve your full fitness potential, and organise an unforgettable event outside the workplace that leaves a lasting impression on each and every participant.

    Company workshops flyer (in german)

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