Strength tests
For sport and rehabilitation to work best after an injury, it is extremely important that strength be measured objectively. We offer three different strength tests.
Isokinetic strength measurement on the Cybex
For sport and rehabilitation to work best after an injury, it is extremely important that strength be measured objectively. Isokinetic strength measurement allows, in particular, for the thigh muscles and rotator cuff to be measured in a standardised manner. The key measurements of these tests are the absolute values, the comparison of the left and right sides and the agonist-antagonist relationship (muscle and antagonist).
Price: Swiss Olympic rate, CHF 150
Vertical jump test on a strength measuring plate
Elasticity is an important factor for optimising performance in many types of sport, including track and field, team sports and Alpine skiing. As patients jump on the strength measuring plate, we measure their counter-movement jumps, squat jumps and jumps on one leg. We use the results of this test to come up with a strength training plan.
Price: Swiss Olympic rate, CHF 150–175 (depending on the test)Swiss Olympic abdominal strength test
The abdominal strength test consists of three bodyweight exercises. Athletes perform these standardised exercises every few seconds to test their front, side and rear abdominal muscles. The results are compared to values which have been established for each type of sport.
Price: Swiss Olympic rate, CHF 80
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