Training plans and assistance

Are you looking for more targeted training, or simply to get in better shape? Do you have a specific sporting goal in mind? Or maybe you just have some questions about training? If so, then you’re in the right place.

Drawing from all the latest scientific and practical expertise, we offer personalised advice and come up with an individual training plan that takes your own particular needs into consideration (schedule, goals, type of sport, personal fitness, etc.). If possible, this custom plan will draw from the results of a previously conducted performance test that can help our team to identify the training areas which will work best for you.

Price: CHF 140 per hour

  • We offer personal training in the areas of strength, endurance and running to offer patients and athletes the best possible means for achieving their goals. These personalised sessions allow us to provide you with valuable tips on the things you need to focus on in the future. Personal training is also perfect for people who have difficulty finding the necessary motivation, and who like the idea of having a set time to train with a personal trainer during the week.

    Call us today to schedule your next personal training session!


  • Looking to target your respiratory muscles while training? We assist you with the configuration of devices (SpiroTiger or Powerlung), as well as their corresponding instructions and controls.
    These devices are not only suitable for athletes, but also for musicians, singers, etc.

    Options: SpiroTiger, Powerlung
    Price: CHF 50–100

Enquiries and contact

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