2001–2002 Senior Physician, Paraplegic Centre Nottwil
2003–2012 Sports Physician, SportClinic Zurich – Medical Director
2013–2015 Sports Physician, Medbase Sports Medical Centre Zurich – Medical Director
since 2015 Chief Physician, Sports Medicine Nottwil
Official Physician at Swiss University Sports/Summer Universiade Bangkok (2007), Belgrade (2009), Shenzhen (2011), Kazan (2013), South Korea (2015), Taiwan (2017)
MSc ETH Human Movement Sciences, Specialisation in Sports Psychology, ETH Zurich Athletic Trainer, Swiss Olympic, Trainer Education Switzerland Lehrdiplom (Teaching Diploma) Sport, ETH Zurich
MSc ETH Human Movement Sciences, Specialisation in Sports Physiology, ETH Zurich Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education, Coach in Competitive Sports, Federal Office of Sport Athletics Coach Swiss Olympic, Sports Coach Education Switzerland Teaching Certificate in Health Sciences, ETH Zurich
Professional training
2009–2016: ETH Zurich: BSc & MSc Human Movement Sciences and Sport, Teaching Certificate in Health Sciences
Since 2013: ETH Zurich, EHSM Magglingen: Assistant and lecturer in various university courses: Physiology, Sport physiology, Exercise Science, Handball
Psychologist specialising in Sport Psychology FSP Certified in emergency psychology FSP (Federation of Swiss Psychologists) / NNPN (National Psychological First Aid Network)
Professional Training and Activities
2002-2007 Psychology Studies, University of Zurich, lic. phil.
2008 Federal Office of Sport (FOSPO) Magglingen (lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM, research and consulting in sport psychology)
since 2008 self-employed as sport psychologist, www.romanafeldmann.ch, Sport & Coaching GmbH
2009-2011 realHealth Center Nottwil (assessments, individual and group therapy for pain and burnout patients)
since 2010/2013 Collaboration with the Swiss Olympic Medical Center, Sport Medicine Nottwil / Schulthess Klinik Zurich
2011-2013 Sport Psychologist with Sport Psychologie Wetzel GmbH, Bern
2011-2014 Diploma of Advanced Studies of Sport Psychology, University of Bern, Specialising in Sport Psychology FSP
2016-2017 Training as emergency psychologist, certified in emergency psychology, FSP / NNPN
since 2016 collaboration on the specialist programme for suicide prevention, Canton of Zurich (Prevention and Healthcare)
Since 2019: Emergency psychologist with SBB Care
As an FSP psychologist, I follow all ethical guidelines and take part in continuing education regularly. I also have training in yoga (KRI, 2013-2014) and meditation (SNR, 2017-2018).