Bibliothek Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum Nottwil

Our library is specialised in specialist literature and narrative literature. It is not a public library. It is available to the following users:

  • Our employees
  • Inpatients, outpatients and their relatives

Access to our library catalogue in which our media (specialist and  narrative literature) are listed. We do not offer an interlibrary loan service.

Access to the ParaDoc database in which historical books and articles on topics related to spinal cord injury are indexed. These publications were written by international authors in various different languages and date from 1819 onwards.

  • Research

    If you want to help, you have to do the research, as solutions rarely appear out of the blue; patients have their own paths to walk, and we accompany them each step of the way.


    We help patients discover newfound and maximum autonomy – no matter the injury.

    Knowledge management

    Knowledge management is vital to an operation such as ours. We’re a part of this knowledge management. Over 80 different occupational groups work at the SPC. You need information or academic literature. We provide it.

  • Laughter

    People who read always find something to laugh about, for even the most difficult stories vibrate with an indispensable vitality for life.


    People who tell stories uncover truths about how we live as human beings in this world, and how we continue to learn from life, regardless of our age.


    Fiction constantly searches for that which is important, and for that which we love.

    Library service on the wards

    Every Wednesday evening, volunteers pass through the wards with a book trolley. These volunteers are happy to help patients pick out a book. We strive to offer books with positive messages, recounting stories that are moving, exciting and useful.


    Opening hours

    Monday - Friday
    9 am - 1 pm
    2 - 5 pm

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    Bibliothek SPZ
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