Research topics
Clinical research at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPC) is interdisciplinary and geared towards patients. It covers the entire spectrum, from acute care to inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient follow-up. SPC research topics currently fall into one of the following three categories:
- Improving understanding of spinal cord injuries and their consequences
- Active participation in multicentre studies: SwiSCI, EMSCI
- Developing new and distinct diagnostic procedures that are non-invasive in nature
- Researching ways to improve the structure and function of the organs (e.g. bladder), muscles and nervous systems of paraplegics
- Researching potential genotypic predictors
- Optimising the physical fitness of paraplegic patients and athletes
- Prevention and treatment of the complications/consequences of a spinal cord injury
- Chronic pain
- Decubital ulcers (pressure sores)
- Depression
- Urinary tract infections/overactive bladder/kidney problems
- Spasticity
- Osteoporosis/bone fractures
- Pneumonia (lung inflammations)
- Metabolic changes (obesity, malnutrition, diabetes)
- Physical strength while ageing and performing sports
- Evaluation of procedures for optimising the rehabilitation process
- Robotics
- Tetra hand surgery
- Functional electrical stimulation
- Patient education
- ICF-based rehabilitation management
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