Integration measures

The integration measures offer consists of resilience training and strength training and is primarily aimed at people with a spinal cord injury or limited mobility. After successful completion of medical-therapeutic rehabilitation, resilience is continuously built up and promoted. The integration measures are preparation for professional measures.

  • Resilience training starts with at least two hours of work on four days a week with the aim of increasing attendance time at work to four hours a day on four days a week within three months.

  • Once the target attendance time from resilience training has been achieved, this is increased to five working days. This corresponds to working 50% and forms the foundation for professional measures.

In addition to increasing attendance time, the following goals are pursued during integration measures:

  • To stabilise context factors (e.g. mobility, bladder and bowel management, dealing with spasticity and pain, etc.)
  • To increase the ability to cope with pressure and to build resilience
  • To promote psychophysical performance


Regular participation in the integration measures allows people to get used to a work-related daily structure. The offer is designed in such a way that the main focus is on motivation-related contents. The aspect of social competence also plays a significant role. Economically viable performance only plays a subordinate role in this phase of integration. Clients’ self-efficacy beliefs and self-esteem are specifically fostered. Cognitive performance is not assessed during the integration measures.

Content of the offer

As opposed to during the inpatient stay in the SPC (where lessons are generally one-on-one), the integration measures comprise supervised teaching and group lessons. This takes place in the following areas:

  • Individual points of focus can be determined through self-organised learning (SOL):

Languages/Commercial training/Mathematics:

English, French, German, mathematics,

Commercial training, bookkeeping, correspondence, typewriting, general education

Individual practical training group:

CAD, technical construction kits, 3D wooden construction kits, construction and forestry machine simulator,

MS flight simulator, creative matters, handwriting training with aids

After an introduction, the topics are worked on individually with the option of support from a specialist during the supervised lessons as required.


Further offers in the group setting comprise:

  • Individual learning and training group (ILTG)
  • Peer talks
  • Design studio
  • Music
  • Cognitive training group
  • English discussion group
  • Psychological counselling (individual setting)

Peer talks

In peer talks, topics from various areas of life are shared and discussed with a group of people with a spinal cord injury. Supported by professional input, everyday topics are reflected on with the goal of every person with a spinal cord injury becoming an expert on his or her own disability.

Support from a coach in job-oriented integra-tion

The coach is your personal contact partner during the measure. Coaches have the following areas of responsibility:

  • Support person for clients in the case of difficulties, wishes, etc.
  • Organisation and coordination of the measure
  • Regular evaluation discussions with clients
  • Contact partner, including writing reports, for the commissioning bodies (insurance companies, such as disability insurance, military insurance, accident insurance)
  • Coordination with other involved agencies (SPA, SPC outpatient care unit, outpatient therapies at the SPC, etc.)

Infrastructure and living

The outpatient ParaWork measures take place in the SPC. In addition to a barrier-free setting, food can be purchased from the Restaurant Centro and sports activities are available.

Following consultation with the referring agency, the offer of the ParaWG shared apartment is available to young adults. This comprises various levels of care intensity with the aim of promoting independent living. If you live a long way away, there is also the option, following consultation with the referring body, of living on the Nottwil Campus.


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