Integrative pain therapy
Intrathecal therapy with baclofen for cerebral and spinal spasticity
Eurythmy therapy, consciousness and mindfulness-based movement therapy for limitations due to neurological issues and pain
Speech formation, consciousness and mindfulness-based drama therapy for limitations due to neurological issues and pain
Spinal infections due to Eikenella corrodens: case report and literature review. Neurochirurgie, 2014 Aug; 60(4):197-200. Yetimoglu C. et al.
Endoskopic versus Microscopic Transsphenoidal Resection of Sellar Pathologies: New and Learning Against the Advanced Expert. 2014 Feb; J Neurol Surg, Part B: Skull Base 75(S01). Fournier J-Y, Yetimoglu C. et al.
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