Musculoskeletal imaging
Cardiovascular imaging
Oncological imaging
Abdel-Aty H.Myocardial edema imaging of the area at risk in acute myocardial infarction:Seeing through water. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging.2009;2(7):832-45
ii.Invited reviews
Abdel-Aty H,Simonetti O and Friedrich MG. T2-weighted Cardiovascular MagneticResonance Imaging.J Magn Reson Imaging,2007; 26(3):452-9.Abdel-Aty H.and Tillmanns C.The use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in acutemyocardial infarction.Current Cardiology Reports, 2010 Jan;12:76-81
Abdel-Aty H and Schulz-Menger J. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance T2-weightedimaging of myocardial edema in acute myocardial infarction.Recent Patents of Drug Discovery2007, 2, 63-68iii.Peer-reviewed manuscripts1.
Abdel-Aty H,Cocker M, Meek C. et al.Edema as a Very Early Marker for AcuteMyocardial Ischemia - A Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study.J Am Coll Cardiol2009 7;53(14):1194-201.2.
Abdel-Aty H, Boyé P, Zagrosek A. et al. Diagnostic performance of cardiovascularmagnetic resonance in patients with suspected acute myocarditis: Comparison of differentapproaches.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005; 45:113.
Abdel-Aty H, Zagrosek A, Schulz-Menger J et al. Delayed enhancement and T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging differentiate acute from chronicmyocardial infarction.Circulation. 2004; 109 (20):2411-64.
Abdel-Aty H, Boyé P, Bock P et al. Stenotic mitral valve prosthesis with left atrialthrombus.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson.2005; 7(2):421-4235.
Abdel-Aty H,Cocker M and Friedrich MG. Myocardial edema is a feature of Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy and is related to the severity of systolic dysfunction: Insights fromT2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance.Int J Cardiol. 20076.
Abdel-Aty H, Siegle N, Natusch A et al. Myocardial Tissue Characterization in SystemicLupus Erythematosus: Value of a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Magnetic ResonanceApproach.Lupus.2008; 17(6):561-76
Abdel-Aty H,Cocker M, Strohm O et al. Abnormalities in T2-weighted cardiovascularmagnetic resonance images of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Regional distribution andrelation to late gadolinium enhancement and severity of hypertrophy.J Magn ResonImaging,2008 ;28(1):242-58.
Boyé P ,Abdel-Aty H,Zacharzowski et al. Prediction of life-threatening arrhythmicevents in patients with chronic myocardial infarction by contrast-enhanced CMR.JACCCardiovasc Imaging. 2011 Aug;4(8):871-9.(!both first authors have equal contribution)
Schulz-Menger J!,Abdel-Aty H!Rudolf A et al. Gender Specific differences in leftventricular remodeling in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Insights from cardiovascularmagnetic resonance. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2008. (both first authors haveequal contribution)
Zagrosek A,Abdel-Aty H, Boyé P et al. Cardiovascular magnetic resonancemonitors reversible and irreversible injury in myocarditis: Insights from a comprehensiveapproach.JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 2009;2(2):131-8(both first authors have equalcontribution)
Schulz-Menger J,Abdel-Aty H, Busjahn A et al. Left Ventricular Outflow TractPlanimetry by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Differentiates Obstructive from Non-obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyophathy.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson2006;8(5):741-6(both first authors have equal contribution)
Elgeti T,Abdel-Aty H, Wagner M et al.Assessment of late gadolinium enhancementin nonischemic cardiomyopathy: Comparison of a fast phase-sensitive inversionrecovery sequence (PSIR) and a conventional segmented 2D gradient echo recall (GRE)sequence- preliminary findings. Investigative Radiology 2007 ;42(10):671-5(both first authors have equal contribution)7
13.Friedrich MG,Abdel-Aty H, Taylor AJ et al. The salvaged area at risk in reperfused acute myocardial infarction as visualized by cardiovascular magnetic resonance.J AmColl Cardiol. 2008 ;51(16):1581-714.
Abdel-Aty H, Schulz-Menger J et al. Acute oedema in the evaluation of microvascular reperfusion and myocardial salvage in reperfused myocardial infarctionwith cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.Eur J Radiol.2010;74(3)15.
von Knobelsdorff F,Abdel-Aty H,Schulz-Menger J. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy AfterNasal Application of Epinephrine - A Magnetic Resonance Study".Int J Cardiol. In press16.
Cocker M., Abdel-Aty H,, Strohm O et al. Age and Gender Effects on the Extent ofMyocardial Involvement in Acute Myocarditis - A Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance(CMR) Study.Heart2009 95(23):1925-3017.
Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H, Bohl S, Schulz-Menger J.Prognostic impact of T2-weightedCMR imaging for cardiac amyloidosis.Eur Radiol. 2011 Aug;21(8):1643-5018.
Rudolph A,Abdel-Aty H,Bohl S et al. Non-invasive detection of fibrosis applyingcontrast enhanced magnetic resonance in different forms of left ventricular hypertrophy:Relation to remodeling.J Am Coll Cardiol 2009 20;53(3):284-9119.
Schulz-Menger J and Abdel-Aty H.Use of integrated biomarkers in inflammatorydisease of the heart: new insights applying cardiovascular magnetic resonance potentialas a biomarker.Expert opinion in medical diagnostics 2008 Aug;2(8):883-9.
Kumar A,Abdel-Aty H, Kriedemann I et al. Contrast-enhanced cardiovascular magneticresonance imaging of right ventricular infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 200621;48(10):1969-76.21.
Cocker M,Abdel-Aty H,Alakija P et al.Images in cardiology. Cardiac magneticresonance imaging in Löffler's endocarditis. Can. J Cardiol.24(11):e89-90. 200822.
Schulz-Menger J,Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H et al. Assessment of myocardialinflammation and scarring in sarcoidosis with cardiovascular magnetic resonance.Heart2006 Mar;92(3):399-4008
Bohl S, Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H et al. Delayed enhancement cardiac magneticresonance imaging reveals typical patterns of myocardial injury in patients with various non-ischemic heart disease. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 2008 Aug;24(6):597-607
Zagrosek A, Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H et al. Relation between myocardial edema andmyocardial mass during the acute and convalescent phase of myocarditis- A CMR study.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson,2008; 30;10:19.25.
Slagman A, Bock C,Abdel-Aty H et al.Specific Removal of C-reactive Protein byApheresis in a Porcine Cardiac Infarction ModelBlood Purification2011;31(1-3):9-1726.
Messroghli DR, Rudloph A,Abdel-Aty H et al.An open-source software tool for thegeneration of relaxation maps in magnetic resonance imaging BMC Med Imaging 2010 ,10:1627.
Zagrosek A, Noeske R,Abdel-Aty H et al. MR Coronary Angiography Using 3D-SSFPWith and Without Contrast Application.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson2005;7,809-528.
Taylor AJ, Al-Saadi N,Abdel-Aty H et al. Detection of acutely impaired microvascularreperfusion after infarct angioplasty with magnetic resonance imaging.Circulation. 2004;109(17):2080-529.
Taylor AJ, Al-Saadi N,Abdel-Aty H et al. Elective percutaneous coronary interventionimmediately impairs resting microvascular perfusion assessed by cardiac magneticresonance imaging. Am Heart J. 2006 Apr;151(4):891.e1-730.
Schulz-Menger J , Maisch B,Abdel-Aty H et al. , Integrated biomarkers incardiomyopathies: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging combined with molecularand immunogenic markers- A stepwise approach for diagnosis and treatmentHerz2007,32:458-7231.
Arnold C, Abdel-Aty H and Tillmanns C. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging ofmyocardial fibrosis in dermatomyosytis.J Rheumatol. 2010;37(5):1056.32.
von Knobelsdorff F, Rudolph A, Wasmuth R, Abdel-Aty H et al. Aortic dilatation inpatients with prosthetic aortic valve: comparison of MRI and echocardiography. J HeartValve Dis2010;19(3):349-56.33.
Cocker MS, Shea SM, Strohm O, Green J, Abdel-Aty H, Friedrich MG. A new approachtowards improved visualization of myocardial edema using T2-weighted imaging: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) study. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2011Aug;34(2):286-92.34.
Bohl S, Kassner U, Eckardt R, Utz W, Mueller-Nordhorn J, Busjahn A, Thomas, H-P,Abdel-AtyH et al. A Single Lipoprotein Apheresis Improves Cardiac MicrovascularFunction in Patients with Elevated Lipoprotein(a): Dtection by stress/rest perfusionmagnetic resonance imaging. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis. 2009;13(2):129-3735
Friedrich MG, Sechtem U, Schulz-Menger J, Prasad S, Alakija P, White J,Abdel-Aty H et al. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Myocarditis: A JACC White Paper.J AmColl Cardiol2009; 28;53(17):1475-8736.
Busjahn A, Schulz-Menger,Abdel-Aty H et al. Heretability of left ventricular andpapillary muscle heart size – A twin study with cardiac magnetic resonance imagingEurHeart J.2009;30(13):1643-737.
Pasieka JL, Schnell G, Abdel-Aty H et al. Metastatic midgut carcinoid to the heartdemonstrated on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.Am J Clin Oncol. 2009Jun;32(3):328-938.
von Knobelsdorff F, Rudolph A, Wassmut R, Bohl S,Abdel-Aty H et al.Feasibility ofCardiovascular Magnetic Resonance to Assess the Orifice Area of Aortic Bioprostheses.Circulation Cardiovascular Imaging2009 Sep;2(5):397-40439.
Shahin AA, el-Mofty SA, el-Sheikh EA,Hafez HA, Ragab OM.Power Dopplersonography in the evaluation and follow-up of knee involvement in patients with juvenileidiopathic arthritis.Z Rheumatol. 2001;60(3):148-5540.
Aly YA and Abdel-Aty H. Normal oesophageal transit time on digital radiography.ClinRadiol. 1999;54(8):545-9BuchkapitelAbdel-Aty H,
Abdel-Aty H, Friedrich MG. Magnetic Resonance of Cardiomyopathies and Myocarditis.In: Kwong R, ed. Contemporary Cardiology: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Humana Press Inc., 1sted. Totowa NJ. 2007
Abdel-Aty H,Wassmuth R and Schulz-Menger J. Cardiac Masses and Tumors. In, MyersonS , Francis J , and Neubauer S ed. Handbook of CMR. Oxford University 2011
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