The Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPC) offers Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for stationary patients. These natural, holistic treatment methods complement conventional therapies.
The effectiveness of acupuncture has been confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO), and at SPC we use it primarily to treat conditions in the areas of internal medicine, surgery, gynaecology and dermatology. In the field of neurology, acupuncture is used for the treatment of neuralgia, sensory disturbances, spasms, muscle cramps and paralysis caused by various conditions such as MS, ALS, etc.
Acupuncture can alleviate patients’ complaints and help improve their physical fitness and quality of life.
Treatments we offer
Auricular acupuncture
- Electroacupuncture
- Phytotherapy
WHO list acupuncture
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of common illnesses including:
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