Atelier for Creativity
There is never any need to be bored!
Patients can express themselves creatively in our studio. You don’t need an appointment or a doctor’s prescription. We offer a diversion from the daily routine of the clinic, with a range of appealing leisure activities which can be accessed without any pressures of time or performance. In the atelier you can laugh, cry, forge new friendships and share experiences.
Creative hospital routines
We have a broad range of materials to excite your curiosity – come in and get creative! Our mission is to support, inspire and motivate patients to try things independently. We give you time to get to know and experience your abilities, possibilities and even your limits. Together we can look for simple ways you can continue to engage your creativity at home.
Atelier for Creativity for all inpatients
People whose hand function is limited or completely absent can paint using their mouths – a challenge that calls for motivation and perseverance. We can support you even if you have been prescribed bed rest. We can set up a suitable workspace for you in your room or bring your bed into the studio.
We ...
- ... know how important creative outlets can be in times of crisis
- ... have experienced the happiness that discovering your creativity can bring
- ... believe that the atmosphere in our studio is positively refreshing
- ... understand that activities are still possible while you are physically impaired, and that they can give your confidence a real boost
- ... are confident that companionship and affection can help simplify how you process what you have experienced
The doors of the Atelier for Creativity are open to all inpatients every afternoon, including at weekends.
Office hours
Monday to Thursday
2 pm to 6 pm
2 pm to 6 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm
Friday to Sunday
2 pm to 5 pm
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