Nutritional therapy and counselling offer

Indications for nutritional therapy or counselling

  • Malnourishment, nutritional deficiencies, malnutrition
  • Pressure sores, wound healing problems
  • Chewing or swallowing disorder (dysphagia)
  • Artificial feeding (enteral/parenteral feeding)
  • Optimisation of bowel management or diseases of the digestive system (such as reflux, gastritis, bowel inflammation), nutrition with a stoma
  • Obesity, being overweight / weight management
  • Metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolaemia, hyperuricaemia, etc.)
  • Kidney disease
  • Food allergies and intolerances (e.g. lactose intolerance, coeliac disease)

Also recommended in the case of:

  • Initial rehabilitation after a recent spinal cord injury or other similar conditions


The doctor registers the patient if there is an indication relating to nutritional medicine.


The main focus is on a detailed discussion with clarification of questions, requirements and possibilities, taking into account the individual nutritional habits and lifestyle of the person with a spinal cord injury. Once a nutritional diagnosis has been made, goals and measures are defined.

Interventions are initiated in consultation with the medical staff, nursing staff and, if required, speech therapy team. There is also close cooperation with the kitchen staff and hotel service.

The measures and their implementation are constantly checked and adjusted together with the person with a spinal cord injury.


The following tools are available to the department for the provision of optimal care:

  • Detailed medical history
  • Formulas to calculate nutritional requirements
  • Indirect calorimetry calculations (measurement of required calories)
  • Bioelectrical impedance analysis (measurement of body composition)
  • Interpretation of nutritional status (e.g. in the laboratory)


If further treatment is desired and indicated in terms of nutritional medicine after an inpatient stay, we will organise a referral to a local specialist centre for you if required.

The Nutritional Counselling and Therapy department is available to you for outpatient care in the case of problems specifically relating to a spinal cord injury (see Indications). The SVDE prescription (official prescription form) must be issued by a doctor and, if indicated, the costs will be covered by health insurance providers.

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