Homöopathie im Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum


Homoeopathy: natural and holistic

Around 250 years ago, Dr Samuel Hahnemann developed a method of healing people that is now synonymous with holistic medicine: homoeopathy.

The basic principle of homoeopathy is: “Like is treated with like.” A human being is seen as the unity of body and soul, with the life force playing the crucial role of ensuring harmony in the organism. If this life force is thrown off balance, illnesses can occur. Homoeopathic remedies, which are individually tailored to the patient, support this life force and activate the body’s self-healing powers.

The majority of the more than 2,000 homoeopathic remedies come from nature – mainly from plants, but can also be derived from metals, minerals and other substances. When used correctly, they do not cause any side effects and are suitable for people of all ages.

Support for spinal cord injuries

People with spinal cord injuries can also benefit from homoeopathy. Complaints such as urinary tract infections, spasticity or bowel problems can be gently relieved and the person’s quality of life improved in the long term.

Treatment options for spinal cord injury

  • Urinary tract infections, acute and chronic
  • All types of chronic illness
  • Spasticity
  • Bowel problems
  • Wound healing problems, pressure ulcers
  • Neuropathic disorders
  • Trauma treatment, improvement of existing nerve function
  • Psychological distress
  • Palliative care

Scientific studies conducted in collaboration with the SHI Homoeopathic Practice and the Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPC) in Nottwil have shown promising results. In these studies, homoeopathic treatment was shown to reduce infections, improve bowel function and relieve muscle spasms.

One impressive example is the former ski racer Silvano Beltrametti, who was able to overcome chronic urinary tract infections with the help of homoeopathic treatment and now lives infection-free.

Silvano Beltrametti Homöopathie Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum

“Homoeopathy has given me my quality of life back. Since my treatment with homoeopathic remedies, I have been able to avoid having to take antibiotics.”
- Silvano Beltrametti

Partnership between the SHI Homoeopathic Practice and the SPC

The SHI Homoeopathic Practice has a long-standing partnership with the SPC’s Neurourology Department. Since 2016, our experts have been treating people with paraplegia and tetraplegia on-site twice a month. This partnership is based on a successful pilot study that scientifically proves that homoeopathy is an effective supplement to conventional medicine.

With the support of the Dr B.K. Bose Foundation, numerous research projects have been carried out, the results of which can be viewed here.

Find out more: homoeopathy at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPC) Nottwil

Find out more in this engrossing podcast episode with homoeopath Gabriela Keller. She provides fascinating insights into how homoeopathy supports people with paraplegia and tetraplegia – supplemented by impressive case studies and scientific studies. Listen now ↓


  • Gabriela Keller Homöopathie

    Gabriela Keller-Rebmann

    certified (hfnh/SHI) homeopath, Naturopathic Practitioner,
  • Stephan Kressibucher Homöopathie

    Stephan Kressibucher

    certified (hfnh/SHI) homoeopath, Naturopathic Practitioner, Advanced

Contact and consultation hours

  • Information und Kontakt

    Homeopathy at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre

    Neurourology Nursing/Administration

    Phone +41 41 939 59 22

    Homeopathy consultation hours are Thursdays from 1.30 pm to 5.40 pm, in the Urology Department.

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