Intensivmedizin Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum

Intensive Care

The intensive care unit of the Swiss Paraplegic Center (SPC) treats complex and critically ill patients with state-of-the-art therapies and technologies. The SPC's intensive care unit is also recognized by the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SGI) as a continuing education organization. The intensive care unit has eight beds, six acute ventilation rooms and renal replacement therapies. In addition, as a competence center for respiratory rehabilitation, it forms the core of Nottwil Weaning ® .


What we offer


You are very welcome to the SPC’s Intensive Care unit! Please take note of the following information when you visit your relatives. This will help to ensure that your visit runs smoothly and pleasantly for our patients.

We recommend that you choose one member of the family to act as our point of contact, to make it easier for us to communicate with you and vice versa. For medical information, please contact the appropriate doctor. The nursing team will be happy to help arrange for you to speak to the doctor.

Information for relatives and visitors

Our specialists

  • renato lenherr

    Renato Lenherr

    Head of Department Intensive Care Medicine

    Phone +41 41 939 66 77

  • Luca Brendebach SPZ

    Dr. med. Luca Brendebach

    Senior Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine

    Phone +41 41 939 66 77

  • Andrea Göhring Intensivmedizin

    Dr. med. Andrea Göhring

    Senior Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine

    Phone +41 41 939 66 77


    Specialist in Intensive care medicine

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Leitende Ärztin
    2013-2017 Rehabilitation Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum

    Seit 2018 Oberarzt Intensiv- und Beatmungsmedizin, Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum
    Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum, Nottwil
    2004-2006 Uniklinik Balgrist, Paraplegiker-Zentrum, Zürich

    2017-2018 Chirurgische Intensivstation, Universitätsspital Zürich
    2016-2017 Anästhesie, Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum, Nottwil
    2004 Neurochirurgische Intensivstation Universitätsspital Zürich
    2002-2004 Innere Medizin Kantonsspital Luzern, Luzern
    2000-2002 Innere Medizin Regionalspital Lachen, Schwyz
    1999-2000 Innere Medizin, St. Josef Krankenhaus, Viernheim, DE
    1997-1999 Pädiatrie, St. Johannes-Hospital, Duisburg, DE

    Aus- und Weiterbildungen

    1985-1987 Ausbildung als Tierarzthelferin, Tierärztliche Klinik am Kaiserberg
    1987-1989 Ausbildung als Biologielaborantin an der Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
    1989-1996 Studium der Humanmedizin, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
    1998 Fachkunde Strahlenschutz, Gesamtbereich der Notfalldiagnostik, DE
    1999 Grundkurs pädiatrische Sonographie
    2000 Fachkunde Arzt im Rettungsdienst, DE
    2020 Promotion zum Doktor der Humanmedizin

    Mitgliedschaft in Fachgesellschaften

    VSAO Schweizer Vereinigung Assistenzärzte und Oberärzte
    FMH Swiss Medical Association
    SSoP Schweizer Gesellschaft für Paraplegie

  • Michelle Iseli

    Dr. med. Michelle Carmen Lea Iseli

    Senior Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine

    Phone +41 41 939 66 77
  • Dzafic Fahrudin Intensivmedizin

    Fahrudin Dzafic

    Head of Intensive Care Medicine Nursing

    Phone +41 41 939 55 09
  • Annemiek de Jager Intensivmedizin

    Annemiek de Jager

    Asst. Head of Intensive Care Medicine Nursing

    Phone +41 41 939 55 09


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