As an independent laboratory (laboratory type B), we perform routine and emergency diagnostics for 150 inpatients as well as for the Intensive Care unit and operating theatre. Additionally, we process outpatient laboratory orders from the areas of spinal cord medicine and sports medicine. We are available to provide expertise for laboratory-related questions on a day-to-day basis, in a 24-hour emergency operation. We train student biomedical analysts.
The range of analysis in our general laboratory spans areas from clinical chemistry, haematology (morphology and human stasis) and immuno haematology to the analysis of secretions. The microbiological laboratory undertakes routine examinations in medical bacteriology, and offers emergency analysis for microbiology (PCR, quick tests, etc.).

Office hours
Monday to Friday
7.45 am to 5.15 pm
Saturday, Sunday, and holidays
8.30 am to approximately 11.30 am
An on-call service is available outside office hours.
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