Neurologie Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum


Clinical neuropsychology is primarily concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of consequences arising from organic damage to the brain, in relation to cognitive functions as well as the mental state of individuals.

Cognitive functions include the following:

  • Attention
  • Learning and memory
  • Perception
  • Executive functions (e.g. planning, problem solving, action control, etc.)
  • Linguistic and mathematical skills
  • Social cognition

What we offer


Outpatient services are charged for in accordance with the neuropsychological tariff pursuant to the current tariff agreement between H + Die Spitäler der Schweiz (The Hospitals of Switzerland) and the Schweizerische Vereinigung der Neuropsychologinnen und Neuropsychologen (Swiss Association for Neuropsychologists) (service provider) as well as disability insurance, insurers pursuant to the Federal law and accident insurance, and the Bundesamt für Militärversicherung (Federal Office for Military Insurance). A medical prescription is required for Neuropsychology.


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