Nursing at the SPC


Nursing as the backbone of patient care

As a specialist clinic, our main focus is on the specific requirements of people with a spinal cord injury and other similar conditions. With their wide range of professional profiles, our nursing staff form the backbone of inpatient care in our clinic. They are members of the interprofessional team in the areas of intensive care medicine, acute medicine and rehabilitation. Peer support and work with relatives, voluntary service, pastoral and spiritual care, the RespiCare team and the Speech Therapy team are all part of nursing and are further essential components of our patient care.

Partnership-based cooperation

We see ourselves as a partner of the people in our care and their relatives. We accompany, support and assist them at a vulnerable time in their life and encourage them to live a life under new conditions. The core elements of our work in a knowledge-intensive specialist area consist of creating a trust-based relationship with our patients and taking into account the various backgrounds, standards and values of the people with a spinal cord injury. In the sense of a cross-institutional patient process we work together actively with other hospitals, psychiatric establishments, basic care providers, Spitex nursing and care services, and establishments providing long-term care.

Innovative career model and attractive working conditions

With their wide range of skills, our employees facilitate the transfer of internal and external specialist knowledge and experience. New colleagues undergo detailed induction into our specialist area. Our career model and talent promotion programme are based on the current and future requirements of our patients and aim to provide health care specialists and certified specialist nurses (HF/FH) with prospects at our clinic and beyond.

We promote staff well-being and offer various working options (co-management, job sharing, reserve pool employees) to support our employees as they coordinate their individual life situations with their profession. We are also open to new working hour and shift models.

With comprehensive training at a secondary and tertiary level, we update our knowledge, pass it on and get career starters interested in our specialist area. We also like to give interested individuals an insight into health care professions and into our clinic through internships and work experience weeks.

Our contact partner

If you have any questions about our career model or about an internship, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you.

Core competencies

  • People with a spinal cord injury are living for longer, which means they end up spending several decades in a wheelchair. At the same time, there are increasing spinal cord injuries in elderly people due to illness or accidents. Treatment, rehabilitation, and advice for the elderly integrate their social network and focus on self-determination, well-being, and quality of life.

  • Depending on the level of the injury to their spinal cord, people with a spinal cord injury may have impaired respiratory function. Specific breathing therapy and/or ventilation is required in such cases. The ability to communicate and swallowing function are often also affected. In close cooperation with the Speech Therapy team, we use our high level of professional competence in tracheal cannula management and weaning. We care for ventilated patients on all wards in the SPC.

  • In the SPC, all nursing employees are systematically instructed in the field of kinaesthetics in order to strengthen their professional competency when handling the physical requirements involved in the care of people with a spinal cord injury. The integration of kinaesthetics in nursing, whether when positioning, mobilising or transferring, knowledge of physiological patterns of movement and utilisation of personal resources are beneficial to the nursing staff and to the person with a spinal cord injury.

    Training videos


  • The risk of a pressure sore is increased for people with a spinal cord injury because of their loss of sensory function. Repeated daily skin checks, removal of pressure and special seating cushions improve circulation to the areas of skin that are at risk. The challenge of treating pressure sores requires specific knowledge on the part of the specialist nurses given that if people with a spinal cord injury do not take preventive measures themselves, sores will develop repeatedly.

    Patients with a spinal cord injury experience changes to their bowel function, which means that some of our patients have a stoma. We are able to offer stoma advice to these patients.

  • People with a spinal cord injury are unable to empty their bladder and bowel physiologically. Based on their skills and abilities, patients are instructed on how to use appropriate aids and techniques by our specialist nurses.

  • Mental health has a great impact on recovery and on the course of rehabilitation for people with a spinal cord injury. Our mandate also includes responding to the varied needs of people who are struggling with mental health issues. Specialised offers and qualified experts make it possible for people going through profound mental crises to make the most of comprehensive rehabilitation.

  • Voluntary work is a supporting pillar of our clinic. About 50 men and women regularly volunteer in order to improve the well-being of our patients. They offer their time, incorporate their personal strengths and life experiences, and make up an important component of our offer for patients with services such as bedside watch, mealtime support, visits, working in the library and organising games evenings.

  • Our peer team consists of 13 people who share their personal experience of living with a spinal cord injury with our rehabilitation patients and help them to boost their self-management, empowerment and health competencies. The members of this team have many years’ experience of dealing with their own disabilities and support and encourage our patients during rehabilitation, thus representing an indispensable component of the interprofessional treatment process of the rehabilitation of people with a spinal cord injury. The significance of the relatives of people with a spinal cord injury is reflected in the position of a peer who works with relatives.

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