Ambulatorium Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum

Outpatient care unit

Lifelong care

People with a spinal cord injury (including spina bifida) often find themselves confronted with numerous spinal cord injury-associated health problems. These include typical and commonly occurring health problems, such as spasticity, neuropathic pain, bladder and bowel dysfunction, urinary tract infections, breathing problems, respiratory infections and pressure sores. At the same time, people with a spinal cord injury have an increased risk of age-associated health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer (e.g. bladder cancer). Lifelong care is important in order to prevent medical problems, to provide early diagnosis, and to ensure regular checks of the outpatient rehabilitation process so that people with a spinal cord injury can enjoy the greatest participatin and quality of life.  


In addition, a spinal cord injury is not a static condition. Ageing and time since onset of the paralysis change the state of health and functional ability, e.g. through reduced muscle strength and mtor abilities or increased neuropathic pain. As well as support and care for spinal cord injury-specific topics, musculoskeletal problems are also a main focus of life-long care. On top of the functional problem, particular emphasis is placed on reintegration into social and professional life. 


With the goal of maintaining or regaining optimal participation and quality of life, spinal cord injury advice services apply an interdisciplinary approach (evaulation, diagnosis, care, advice) and, depending on requirements, comprise the following (and other) areas: 

  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation / general internal medicine
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Neuropsychology
  • Speech therapy
  • Neurology
  • Neuro-Urology
  • Podiatry
  • Pulmonary medicine
  • Radiology
  • Spinal surgery / Orthopaedics
  • Neurosurgery
  • Hand surgery
  • Gynaecology
  • Plastic Surgery

Nottwil is the main site for outpatient care and outpatient appointments are also offered in co-operation with the regional outpatient care units in CHUV Lausanne and Bellinzona (for registration see "Practical information"). 


    We provide rapid, comprehensive and competent assistance in the case of spinal cord injury-specific problems. 

    Available treatments

    • The annual check-up helps patients and doctors obtain an overall view of the general and health-related situation and of any problems.

       You can find more information about the annual check-up here.

    • Despite regular check-ups, unexpected health problems may occur, such as pressure sores, fever, urinary tract infections and fractures. At times, problems may also occur, such as pressure sores, fever, urinary tract infections and fractures. At times, problems may also occur that do not require acute assessment but that need to be dealt with rapidly, for example in the case of an inexplicable increase in spasticity or pain. In cooperation with our emergency department, we provide rapid and comprehensive assistance fo these acute and subacute spinal cord injury-specific problems. 

    • Interdisciplinary cooperation in the Outpatient Wound Unit ensures that an optimal solution is provided for the treatment of pressure sores. 

       You can find more information about the outpatient Wound unit here.

    • Transition from adolescent to adult medicine is a significant phase. This is also when requirements and medical care change. 

      You can find more information obout transition here.

    • The aim of the outpatient neurogenic bowel clinic is to achieve optimised bowel management through interdisciplinary cooperation.

      You can find more information about outpatient neurogenic bowel consultation here.

    • Prescribing and carrying out adequately adapted forms of therapy with a productive and goal-oriented focus is a key aspect of lifelong care. This is reevaluated at each annual check-up and adapted accordingly if required. 

    • Interprofessional cooperation allows us to provide our patients with optimal care with the corresponding aids and services. 

    • Objectified and standardised gait analysis forms the basis of, for example, identifying the cause of gait disorders, comparing gaits, of splint adaptations and progress documentation. 

      You can find more information about gait analysis here.

    • Gynaecological and spinal cord injury-specific assessment and care of patients range from screening, to contraceptive advice, and to advice on menopausal issues. 

      You can find more information about gynaecological check-up and advice here.

    • ParaWork supports patients during occupational reintegration into the labour market and offers individually customised measures. 

      You can find more information about ParaWork here.

    • In the case of challenges and problems outside the field of personal health, the Swiss Paraplegics Association (SPA) also offers support on topics such as legal advice and life guidance. 

    • ParaHelp supports optimal care at home with specialised advice and care for people with a spinal cord injury, amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or spina bifida. 

      You can find more information about ParaHelp here.

    • Botulinum toxin is a medication that can effectively reduce spasticity. It acts by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for muscle contraction. As a result, the over-active muscles relax and spasticity is alleviated.

      You can find more information about botulinum toxin here.


    The aim of research within the Outpatient Care Unit is to improve lifelong care for people with a spinal cord injury and spina bifida. In addition to our own research projects, we work closely with the Clinical Trial Unit and SPR

    Further training centre: internal medicine and physical medicine

    • The Outpatient Care Unit of the Swiss Paraplegic Centre provides training for young doctors to qualify as specialists in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and general internal medicine. The further training centre is recognised by and registered with the Swiss Institute for Continuing Medical Education (SIWF). 

    Our specialists

    • Inge Eriks-Hoogland Ambulatorium

      KD Dr. med. Inge Eriks-Hoogland, PhD

      Head Outpatient Care Unit and Senior Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

      Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 
      Head of Outpatient Care Unit
      Head of Transition SPC
      Head of Research Outpatient Care Unit

      Head of Further Training Centre Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    • Catherine Romani Ambulatorium

      Dr. med. Catherine Romani

      Senior Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

      Specialist in General Internal Medicine
      Registered Wound Expert SAfW
      Head of Wound Clinic Outpatient Care Unit

    • Josephus Maria Ruijgrok Ambulatorium

      Dr. med. Josephus Maria Ruijgrok

      Senior Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

      Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    • Mide Veseli Ambulatorium

      Dr. (BG) Mide Veseli-Abazi

      Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

      Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics

    • Michael Kowollik Ambulatorium

      Michael Kowollik

      Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

      Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    • Liubov Opokina

      Liubov Opokina

      Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

      Specialist in General Internal Medicine

    • sonja krcum cvitic

      Sonja Krcum Dvitic

      Deputy Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

    • Rhea Scherer

      Rhea Scherer

      Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

    • Marija Goricheva

      Marija Coricheva

      Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

    • Daniel Felber

      Daniel Felber

      Consultant in Spinal Cord Medicine

    • Heidi Ammann Ambulatorium

      Heidi Ammann

      Head of Outpatient Registration

      Phone +41 41 939 58 58
      Fax +41 41 939 58 57
    • Rahel Tschopp Ambulatorium

      Rahel Tschopp

      Medical Materials Requirements Planner

      Phone +41 41 939 58 62
      Fax +41 41 939 58 57
    • Lorena Müller Ambulatorium

      Lorena Müller MSc. M.A.

      Scientific Staff Member Outpatient Care Unit

      Phone +41 41 939 50 23

    Practical information

    • Guido A. Zäch-Strasse 1

      6207 Nottwil

      T. +41 41 939 58 58

      F. +41 41 939 58 57

      Telephone opening hours

      Monday to Friday
      8 am to 4 pm

      Saturday and Sunday: closed

    • Send registration form (with reference "Decentralised Outpatient Care Unit") to:

      T. +41 41 939 58 58

      F. +41 41 939 58 57

      Telephone opening hours

      Monday to Friday

      8 am to 4 pm

      Saturday and Sunday: closed

    • Send registration form (with reference "Transition") to: 

      Rahel Tschopp, Medical Materials Requirements Planner / Case Management Transition

      T. +41 41 939 58 58

      F. +41 41 939 58 57

      Telephone opening hours

      Monday to Friday

      8 am to 4 pm

      Saturday and Sunday: closed

    • Send registration form (with reference "Wound clinic") to: 

      Evelyne Stählin, Registered Nurse (H), Wound Care Expert

      T. +41 41 939 58 58

      F. +41 41 939 58 57

      Telephone opening hours

      Monday to Friday

      8 am to 4 pm

      Saturday and Sunday: closed

    • KD Dr. med. Inge Eriks-Hoogland, PhD

      Head of Research Outpatient Care Unit


      Lorena Müller MSc, M.A.

      Scientific Staff Member Outpatient Care Unit

      T: +41 41 939 50 23

    • Send registration form (with reference "gynaecology") to: 

      Dr. (BG) Mide Veseli-Abazi, Consultant Spinal Cord Medicine

      T. +41 41 939 58 58

      F. +41 41 939 58 57

      Telephone opening hours

      Monday to Friday

      8 am to 4 pm

      Saturday and Sunday: closed

    • Send registration form (with reference "outpatient neurogenic bowel consultation") to: 

      Till Bertschi, Nursing expert incontinence

      T. +41 41 939 58 58

      F. +41 41 939 58 57

      Telephone opening hours

      Monday to Friday

      8 am to 4 pm

      Saturday and Sunday: closed

    • Send registration form (with reference "Botulinum toxin for spasticity") to:

      KD Dr. med. Inge Eriks-Hoogland, PhD

      T. +41 41 939 58 58

      F. +41 41 939 58 57

      Telephone opening hours

      Monday to Friday

      8 am to 4 pm

      Saturday and Sunday: closed

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