Complementary medicine at the Centre for Pain Medicine

At the Centre for Pain Medicine, we offer complementary medical treatments such as hypnosis, acupuncture and neural therapy. These treatments can be administered individually or combined with other pain therapy procedures.

Akupunktur im Zentrum für Schmerzmedizin

Our treatments

  • Chinese body acupuncture in line with TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) To get an idea of how acupuncture works, we must first consider how the Chinese view human health: according to the Chinese, our entire bodies are pulled by a network of channels (meridians) through which the Qi (life force), with its “yin” and "yang”, flows. By stimulating certain points on these meridians, we can regulate the flow of energy in our bodies.

  • Hypnotherapy is a common and effective type of treatment. Throughout history, one of the most important functions of hypnosis has been to help people to manage pain. Hypnosis is used to achieve a modified state of consciousness (the so-called “hypnotic trance”) which can, at times, bring about profound physiological and psychic changes in the patient. Modern hypnotherapy is a procedure that focuses on the abilities of patients. During hypnotherapy, the patient’s reservoir of positive experiences, latent coping strategies and individual strengths are activated by way of hypnotic techniques, and used to help patients gain control of their physical and mental problems.

  • Neural therapy is a treatment method which takes advantage of the characteristics of the autonomic nervous system to help relieve pain. A precise injection of a small amount of local anaesthetic in a specific location can activate the body’s self-regulating functions and thus allow for self-healing to begin. Neural therapy is an effective, low-risk, comprehensive treatment option.

  • In anthroposophically expanded medicine, the person is seen as an individual and complex being influenced by his or her life situation, psyche and general health. Accordingly, the goal is to boost self-healing powers to reset inner balance.
    Vegetative stabilisation (“grounding”) is achieved with repeated applications (such as wraps, compresses, poultices, and foot baths), which are administered by the nursing team in the Centre for Pain Medicine. A further important aspect of this form of therapy consists of factors such as empathy and trust-building measures.

Our specialists

  • Matthias Laun Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum

    Matthias Laun

    Senior Consultant in Anaesthesiology, Centre for Pain Medicine

    Specialist in Anaesthesiology
    Specialist in Interventional Pain Management SSIPM
    Special Pain Therapy (Germany)

  • cem-yetimoglu-spz

    Cem Yetimoglu, M.D.

    Speciality Registrar in Neurosurgery, Centre for Pain Medicine

    Neurosurgeon (FMH)
    SGSS Pain Specialist
    Complementary medicine 

  • sabine-brunner-spz

    Dr. med. Sabine Brunner

    Specialist in Orthopaedics, Centre for Pain Medicine
  • julia-neuenschwander-spz

    Dr. med. Julia Neuenschwander

    Specialty Registrar in Neurourology