Hippotherapie und pferdegestützte Therapien Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum

Equine-assisted Therapies

Equine Therapy

Equine therapy is a recognised medical treatment method in physiotherapy, performed with the aid of a small horse. In equine therapy, the rhythmic, three-dimensional movements of the horse are transferred to the patient, and in this way has a therapeutic effect without the patient actively influencing the horse. 

Equine-assisted therapy

The focus here is on the relationship between the person and the animal, which takes place at a pedagogical, therapeutic, and rehabilitative level. Contact between the client and the horse occurs both on the ground and on the horse’s back. 

Our specialists

Contact and registration

Administration office hours

Monday to Thursday:
7.30 am to midday
1.30 pm to 5 pm

7.30 am to midday
1.30 pm to 4 pm

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