Outpatient Physiotherapy

Outpatient Physiotherapy at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPC) is organised in a similar way to a private physiotherapy practice. We specialise in the areas of neurology, orthopaedics, sports medicine and urology. Our work is based on the physiotherapeutic recommendations of referring SPC specialists (in particular, those from the fields of paraplegiology, orthopaedics, sports medicine and urology), as well as that of external physicians.

Therapies and treatment types

  • The SPC offers the following outpatient physiotherapeutic treatments:

    Ataxia treatment
    Ataxia is a condition that affects posture and coordination. It is manifested by jerky and uncontrollable movements. Ataxia therapy can be used to treat disorders that affect balance and coordination.

    Grosemans pelvic floor therapy
    The Grosemans Concept was developed by the Belgian physiotherapist and osteopath Phillip Grosemans. This concept is based on the use of physiotherapeutic, osteopathic therapy for urinary incontinence.

    Deep friction
    A deep friction massage is a special kind of connective tissue massage. Its goal is to improve the flexibility of ligaments, tendons and muscles, and prevent the adhesion of scars.

    Electrotherapy refers to the therapeutic use of electrical currents to alleviate pain, improve circulation and stimulate muscles. We offer electrotherapy (biofeedback and functional electrical stimulation) as well as laser therapy, shockwave therapy and ultrasound.

    Fascia therapy
    Fascia therapy is a manual technique which focuses on the massaging and treatment of muscle fascia and connective tissue. Fascia are thin connective tissue membranes that are wrapped around and connect individual organs, bones, muscles and blood vessels.

    Functional kinetics
    Functional kinetics involves the use of various techniques and exercises which can help patients to reacquire efficiency in their movement, or, with the help of the therapist, find the best possible compromise.

    Kinesio taping and taping
    Kinesio taping is a treatment technique in which highly elastic adhesive strips are applied to the skin to achieve various results. Traditional, conventional taping involves the application of a fixed, inelastic adhesive strip to the skin.

    Manual lymph drainage
    Manual lymph drainage is a type of physical therapy that is primarily used to discharge excess fluids in the body. This therapy is often used after the treatment of a tumour or the removal of lymph node, as well as other operations.

    Manual therapy
    Manual therapy is a type of treatment that is used to both diagnose and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
    Maitland mobilisation
    The Maitland Concept involves the use of passive joint movements and manipulations of the extremities and spine, as well as neurodynamic techniques, muscle strengthening, stabilisation exercises and personalised exercises for patients to practise at home.

    The Mulligan Technique focuses on mobilisation with movement. Its objective is to restore pain-free functioning through the use of “joint repositioning techniques”.

    The “Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Manuelle Therapie” (“Swiss Work Group for Manual Therapy”) offers training based on several manual therapy concepts. It is tailored towards manual medicine.

    Muscle balance
    Muscle balance is different for large muscles, which develop strength for movement, and small deep muscles, which ensure stability in joints. Exercises are used to restore the balance of these muscles, as well as remedy movement disorders and poor posture.

    A key aspect with regard to the mobilisation of the nervous system is the idea that healthy mechanisms of the nervous system allow for pain-free posture and movement.

    Neurological therapies

    The Bobath Concept is based on neurophysiological and neurodevelopmental principles, and makes use of the patient’s own personal abilities. This concept can be used during rehabilitation, especially after a stroke.

    Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
    PNF physiotherapy stimulates the senses to promote the interaction between nerves and muscles, and thereby facilitate the use of physiological movement patterns that are stored in the central nervous system.

    Sports physiotherapy
    Sports physiotherapy specialises in the treatment of injuries and damage which can arise while practising sports at all levels.

    Trigger point therapy and dry needling
    The goal of trigger point therapy is to remove hard spots from the skeletal muscles. Typical “myofascial” trigger points include radiating pain and areas of the body that are sensitive to pressure. “Dry needling", or the treatment of myofascial trigger points with acupuncture needles, is used to complement other manual techniques.

    Heat and cold treatments
    Heat and cold treatments are used before or as a follow-up to therapy, and help improve circulation, relax muscles and alleviate pain.

    Water is perfect for exercises that are gentle on the joints, especially if joints are not yet ready to be strained, as is often the case after an operation. It is also useful for teaching patients how to swim, or to reduce the spasticity that can be caused by certain neurological disorders.

    Vertigo therapy
    The treatment of position- and movement-dependent vertigo can be treated using specialised physiotherapy and has not been scientifically well studied.

    • General physiotherapy
    • Complex physiotherapy
    • Lokomat/treadmill
    • Lymph drainage with a focus on patients with neurological disorders
    • Pelvic floor training with a focus on neurogenic bladder dysfunctions
    • Hydrotherapy
  • During a personal consultation, an interdisciplinary team of professionals provides concrete answers to the questions raised by your referring physician.

  • The SPC Outpatient Occupational Therapy Department, referring physicians from the outpatient clinic and referring general practitioners team up to offer comprehensive information on wheelchair seating options.

    ...to the Wheelchair Seating Centre...

    • Blocks of physiotherapy, 1–2 times per day for 2–4 weeks

    Patients must undergo a neurological diagnosis before participating in intensive physiotherapy. We must also obtain confirmation that patients are covered by insurance.

    • Medical training therapy (MTT)
      Tuesday/Thursday 1–2 pm
      Monday / Wednesday 4.30 - 7.30 pm
    • Hydrotherapy (swimming pool therapy)
      Monday 11.30–12 am
      Wednesday 4.30–5.15 pm
      Thursday 8.15–8.45 am
      Friday 11.30-12 am

    During group therapy, we teach patients exercises that are tailored toward their own individual goals. These exercises are conducted under the supervision of a physiotherapist. 

Outpatient physiotherapy rates

For patients who have been referred for outpatient physiotherapy, all costs are covered by basic, health, accident, military or disability insurance. In certain cases, we will ask for proof of insurance from your insurance company before your therapy can begin.

All therapy is invoiced according to tax points. Session rates are calculated according to the diagnosis and objectives of the therapy. 


Contact information

  • Anna Schär Leiterin ambulante Therapien

    Anna Schär

    Head of the physiotherapy
  • Information und Kontakt

    Outpatient Physiotherapy Secretary’s Office

    The Outpatient Physiotherapy Secretary’s Office can be reached by telephone, and also welcomes physiotherapy referrals by email. We look forward to receiving your enquiry and will get back to you as quickly as possible.

    Outpatient Physiotherapy opening hours
    Monday to Thursday:
    7 am–8 pm
    8 am - 4:30 pm

    Secretary’s Office opening hours
    Monday to Thursday:
    7.30 am–12 pm
    1.30–5 pm

    7.30 am–12 pm
    1.30–4 pm

Administration office hours

Monday to Thursday
7.30 am to midday
1.30 pm to 5 pm

7.30 am to midday
1.30 pm to 4 pm

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