Suddenly everything changes – your relative's life is turned upside-down by an accident or illness.

And your life is also affected. You now face the challenge of dealing with the event and its impact on your own life and on the life you share with your relative.

As employees of the Swiss Paraplegic Centre, we offer you support and help you to see different perspectives. Personal discussions are invaluable – for you and for us. While your relative is an inpatient with us, all our offers are free of charge.

  • Peer counselling and support for relatives

    The term ‘peer counselling’ is used to describe a form of counselling where people affected by spinal cord injury receive counselling from people living with spinal cord injury. We have discovered that those affected are more likely to accept support from people who have experienced something similar.

    Peer counsellors for relatives

    Alexandra Burkart and Sara Fontana are our peer counsellors for relatives. They are happy to support you and you can request to talk with them.

    Courses and other offers for relatives

    Special courses aimed at relatives are run several times a year. Details of these are published in various places in the SPC. Please contact the social advice team for further information.

    Psychological support

    Our team of psychotherapists supports you as you deal with the psychological challenges and changes in your living situation that may be associated with spinal cord injury or similar symptoms in somebody close to you.

    Social advice

    The social advice team supports you in personal and family matters, e.g. when organising your changed day-to-day life, or addressing questions relating to your living situation and/or care and nursing at home. Employees of the social advice team are also happy to
    assist you with financial, legal and insurance-related issues and questions.

    Psychological support and social advice
    T +41 41 939 58 20

    Pastoral and spiritual care

    The pastoral and spiritual care team is here to lend an ear to you as a relative. We listen to, support and accompany you – irrespective of your religion, faith or worldview.

    Mon – Wed: Ursula Walti
    T +41 41 939 58 44

    Wed – Fri Stephan Lauper
    T +41 41 939 58 43

    Discussions with people in a similar situation

    The specific aim of our online community and Facebook group is to encourage discussions between people with a spinal cord injury and you as relatives and friends:

    Offers for relatives in Switzerland

    Whether you are looking for advice services, further training courses, financial compensation or respite offers, you will find an overview of offers for relatives in Switzerland by clicking on the following link:

    SPC library

    This is where you will find professional literature, fiction and audio books in various languages, magazines and games. It is also a pleasant place to read, spend time and withdraw – a place where you can take some time out.
    T +41 41 939 57 78


    Please contact Patient Administration if you have any questions about parking or meals:
    T +41 41 939 57 31

    You can book rooms in the immediate vicinity at Hotel Sempachersee:
    T +41 41 939 23 23

Medical information for relatives

Please note that in accordance with adult protection law, we may only provide information to relatives if authorised to do so by patients with sufficient mental capacity to make medical decisions. For patients lacking the required mental capacity, information will be conveyed to the patient’s authorised representative, as well as to the patient’s relatives if authorised by the latter.

Head of family work

Contact person for the counselling of relatives

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