Psychiatry for spinal cord injuries focuses on the mental and emotional challenges that confront people with a spinal cord injury (paraplegia or tetraplegia). Pre-existing psychiatric disorders are also treated at the SPC. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy are provided mainly to inpatients and is available on an outpatient basis for follow-up.
The psychiatric challenges of a spinal cord injury
can include:
• Depression
• Anxiety disorders
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Adjustment disorders
• Cognitive changes
Psychiatric counselling for persons with spinal cord injuries is a key part of comprehensive medical and sanitary assistance for our clientèle. It helps to manage the emotional challenges that can arise from physical limitations and the associated life changes. An interdisciplinary approach that includes medical, therapeutic and social aspects is essential for improving the quality of life for persons living with spinal cord injuries.
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