Chirurgische Orthoädie Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum

Spinal Surgery and Spinal Cord Surgery

Spinal surgery and spinal cord surgery for everyone

The main focus of the Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPC) is on the treatment of patients with a spinal cord injury sustained after a serious injury to the spine or associated with a disease. In line with the centre's approach, the Spinal Surgery and Spinal Cord Surgery department at the SPC also guarantees to provide life-long care for secondary diseases of the spine and spinal cord. Over the years, our department has acquired in-depth experience of dealing with complex problems of the spine and the spinal cord. It goes without saying that this expertise is available to all patients, irrespective of whether they have a spinal cord injury or not.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Swiss Paraplegic Centre.

Interdisciplinary cooperation

The interdisciplinary team under the joint management of the Head of Department, Dr. med. Tobias Pötzel, provides treatment for virtually all diseases and injuries of the spine and spinal cord, with the exception of paediatric diseases. Our patients are treated non-surgically and surgically in interdisciplinary cooperation with the Radiology department, the Centre for Pain Medicine, the Sports Medicine department, and the Physiotherapy department.

«I would have the spinal procedure done at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre again any time. I was ideally cared for by the spinal surgery team and by the nursing staff.»

Adrian Wespi

Multi-level and individual treatment

The majority of diseases of the spinal column are associated with degenerative (caused by age and/or wear and tear) changes (such as spinal canal stenosis and herniated discs). Our aim is to provide our patients with individual and problem-based treatment. Wherever possible, we apply non-surgical measures (e.g. physiotherapy and training therapy) at the beginning of treatment. If required, treatment can be progressively intensified. Options in our centre include interventional and multimodal pain management, sports medicine, and physiotherapy. Chief consultants are always involved in the care of our patients. During outpatient appointments and inpatient ward rounds, we always leave enough time for our patients’ concerns.

State-of-the-art and minimally invasive surgical technique

If non-surgical measures do not provide a satisfactory result, surgical measures are considered. In some cases, a surgical procedure is the only way to guarantee sustainable treatment success. Occasionally an emergency arises that requires immediate surgical intervention. If, together with the patient, we decide on a surgical procedure, we have access to modern intraoperative 3D imaging with computer-assisted navigation, neuromonitoring (monitoring of nerve functions) and minimally invasive techniques. This ensures that the treatment we offer is based on currently valid standards with optimum levels of safety as well as personalised and innovative treatment concepts.

Our treatment portfolio

    • Diagnostics
    • Interventional pain management
    • Treatment of spinal canal stenosis
    • Treatment of herniated discs
    • Spondylolisthesis
    • Spinal trauma
    • Minimally invasive surgery of the whole spine
    • Deformity surgery
    • Revision surgery
    • Infections of the spine
    • Surgery for age-related changes
    • Syringomyelia
    • Arachnopathies
    • Intramedullary/Extramedullary tumours
    • Functional spinal cord surgery 

Our specialists

  • Tobias Pötzel Chefarzt Wirbelsäulenchirurgie und Orthopädie

    Dr. med. Tobias Pötzel

    Head of Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics

    Phone +41 41 939 57 88

    Specialist medical qualification

    Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Locomotor System
    specifically Spinal Surgery

    Professional background

    since 2021
    Head of Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2019 - 2021
    Joint Head of Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil, together with Dr. med. Raoul Heilbronner

    2015 – 2019
    Senior Consultant Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2012 – 2015
    Specialty Registrar Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2010 – 2012
    Junior Doctor Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2003 – 2010
    Junior Doctor, qualification as a Specialist in Orthopaedics and Accident Surgery, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik (clinic for trauma surgery), Murnau (D)

    Training and further education

    Interdisciplinary Focus on Spine Surgery, SSNS/SO

    Shadowing of Dr. med. Gerd Bordon, Hospital de Manises, Valencia (E)

    Shadowing of Dr. med. Gregory M. Mundis, Scripps Memorial Hospital, San Diego (USA)

    Recognition of Diploma in Medical Professions and title of Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Locomotor System (FMH)

    EUROSPINE Diploma

    Specialist in Orthopaedics and Accident Surgery (D)

    Shadowing of Prof. Dr. med. H. Halm, Schön Klinik Neustadt, Holstein (D)

    Conferment of title of Doctor of Human Medicine

    1996 – 2003
    Degree in Human Medicine, Technical University of Munich (D)

    Membership in professional associations

    Swiss Society of Spinal Surgery

    Swiss Society of Paraplegia

    Swiss Medical Association

    Medical Association of the Canton of Lucerne

    Verein der leitenden Spitalärztinnen und -ärzte Schweiz (Association of Senior Hospital Doctors Switzerland)

  • Michael Fiechter SPZ

    PD Dr. med. Dr. sc. nat. Michael Fiechter

    Deputy Head of Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics

    Phone +41 41 939 57 88

    Specialist medical qualification

    specifically Spinal Surgery

    Professional background

    since 2022
    Head of the Interdisciplinary Spinal Surgery Training Center (SSNS/SO), Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    since 2021
    Deputy Head Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    since 2017
    Teaching and scientific advisor in functional neurovascular imaging / gender medicine, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Zurich

    2020 - 2021
    Senior Consultant Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2018 – 2020
    Specialty Registrar Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil

    2016 – 2017
    Junior Doctor in Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen

    Junior Doctor and Spinal Surgery Fellow, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen

    2013 – 2015
    Junior Doctor in Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Inselspital Bern

    2009 – 2012
    Junior Doctor and Research Associate, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmacy, University Hospital and ETH Zurich

    Training and further education

    Master of Business Administration, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Eurospine Advanced Diploma

    SIWF Award for special commitment to continuing medical education

    Interdisciplinary Focus for Spinal Surgery, SSNS/SO

    Habilitation (Venia Legendi / Privatdozent), Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich

    Post-Traumatic Spinal Cord Surgery Fellow under Dr. med. S. Falci, Swedish Medical Center/Craig Hospital, Englewood/Denver (USA)

    EUROSPINE Basic Diploma

    Certificate of qualification in Interventional Pain Management (SSIPM)

    Specialist in Neurosurgery

    Conferment of title of Doctor of Sciences

    United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE/ECFMG)

    Conferment of title of Doctor of Human Medicine

    2003 – 2009
    Degree in Human Medicine, University of Zurich

    Membership in professional associations

    Spine Society of Europe

    Swiss Society of Spinal Surgery

    Swiss Society of Neurosurgery

    Swiss Medical Association

    Medical Association of the Canton of Lucerne

    Verband Schweizer Assistenz- und Oberärzte (association of Swiss junior doctors and specialty registrars)

  • Denis Bratelj Rückenmedizin und Orthopädie

    Dr. med. Denis Bratelj

    Senior Physician Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics

    Phone +41 41 939 57 88

  • Crescenzo Capone

    Dr. (I) Crescenzo Capone

    Deputy Senior Physician Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics

    Phone +41 41 939 57 88

  • Phillip Jaszczuk

    Phillip Jaszczuk

    Deputy Senior Physician Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics

    Phone +41 41 939 57 88

  • Suanne Stalder Rückenmedizin

    Dr. med. Susanne Stalder Edelmann

    Physician Department of Back Medicine and Orthopedics

    Phone +41 41 939 57 88

Contact for referring physicians and patients

Registration and referral

Following a precise diagnosis, our team of specialists will offer you the most promising therapy. 

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