Sportangebot Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum

Sport in the SPC

Indoor swimming pool

Schwimmhalle SPZ

Indoor swimming pool at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre

    Sports arena

    The renovation and extension of the sports facilities have provided the best possible preconditions for wheelchair athletes and able-bodied athletes to train and compete. The sports arena comprises the following facilities:

    • Outdoor athletics facilities with eight lanes
    • Timing tower
    • Football pitch: 100 m x 64 m
    • Tennis courts
    • Spacious tent providing weather protection
    Sport Arena Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum

    The Swiss Paraplegic Centre sports arena

    SPC sports hall

    The triple-sized sports hall can be divided down the middle and has an extendable stand. The sports hall can be used for any type of event and is suitable for multifunctional use.

    Sporthalle Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum

    Sports hall at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre

    SPC tennis courts

    The courts are open from 6.00 am to 10.00 pm, or dusk, from April to October (weather-dependent) .

    The courts must be booked in advance.

    inquiries and contact

    Tennisplatz Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum

    SPC tennis courts

    Training centre

    The training centre next to the sports arena by the Swiss Paraplegic Centre is open to all athletes with a spinal cord injury. This is where top-ranking, recreational, and up-and-coming athletes train under one roof all year round.

    The training facilities opened in December 2019 and offer:

    • Training rollers for 20 racing wheelchairs
    • Training rollers for 12 hand bikes
    • Performance measurement station
    • Changing rooms and toilets
    • Two massage beds
    • Wall bars
    • Workshop for adjusting equipment independently and repairing training equipment


    The training centre is available to all athletes with a spinal cord injury. Admission is by badge only. Please contact the Swiss Paraplegics Association (by sending an e-mail to to apply for an admission badge.

    Opening times

    Monday to Sunday from 6 am to 10 pm

    Trainingscenter Schweizer Paraplegiker Stiftung

    The training centre is a place of encounters for wheelchair athletes.

    Inquiries and contact

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