Provide efficient support as a foundation
Foundations and other charitable institutions are important partners of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation. They make a major contribution towards enabling us to provide people with a spinal cord injury with the best care and treatment in future, too.
Are you looking for a suitable project that corresponds to the purpose of your foundation? And are you looking for a reliable partner who can guarantee that projects will be implemented and communicated professionally? If so, please contact us.
Achieve great results together
For many years now, the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation has been able to count on partnership-based cooperation with non-profit and charitable foundations.
Become a part of this and support the unique network of services of the Swiss Paraplegic Group to help people with a spinal cord injury in Switzerland.

Select a project
You will find a selection of projects that we require your support for here.
Recurring projects
Youth rehabilitation weeks
A project that supports young people on their way towards an independent life.
A project for the professional and social reintegration of people with a spinal cord injury.
A project to provide care, advice, and support for people with a spinal cord injury and their relatives in everyday life.
Have you not found a suitable project? Or do you have certain requirements with regard to reporting? Contact us. We will arrange a personal discussion with you in order to find the best option for working together. We look forward to hearing from you.
Enquiries and contact
Our bank accounts
Swiss Paraplegic Foundation
6207 Nottwil
CH14 0900 0000 6014 7293 5
Tax number: 1195279
(NPO tax identification number)
Efficient utilisation of funds
On behalf of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation, the companies of the Swiss Paraplegic Group provide services for people with a spinal cord injury that are not covered by funding bodies, such as health insurance, accident insurance, and social security. The Swiss Paraplegic Foundation is able to cover the resulting deficits with income from donations, which are specifically utilised for selected development and innovation projects. As can be seen in the chart below, the aim is to achieve benefits that are direct as possible for people with a spinal cord injury.