Hand bikes

Out and about on a hand bike – mobility, fun and little effort

Hand bikes and recumbent bikes combine therapeutic aspects with a great deal of fun and provide outstanding ergonomics, require little effort and offer a high level of mobility. Thanks to a wide range of adjustment options, they can be individually and optimally adapted. There are virtually no limits to your freedom of movement.

We make a distinction between adaptive bikes and recumbent bikes.

Adaptive bikes

Adaptive bikes are more than “just” a sports device for mobile wheelchair users who enjoy sports. Coupled to the wheelchair, they compensate for the wheelchair's greatest shortcoming, namely its small casters. On an even surface, these small casters provide a reliable service, but as soon as the surface become more bumpy, muddy or snowy, they can drive you mad. An adaptive bike can be an ideal solution in this case.

Recumbent bikes

A recumbent bike speeds over the asphalt, just a few centimetres above the ground. Compared to the upright adaptive bike, it is plain to see that the essential purpose of a recumbent bike is to move fast in a race.

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