Compression and support stockings

Encourage circulation, alleviate symptoms and prevent serious complications.

The range of compression stockings has changed considerably over the past years. In addition to adding flat-knit compression aids, many manufacturers have also significantly expanded their range in terms of modern colours and patterns. The materials used have also become lighter and more pleasant to wear, and some of them have special properties.

Travel support stockings and compression stockings

Are you planning a longer plane journey, are you suffering with water retention during pregnancy, do you often have heavy and swollen legs, do you have varicose veins or do you have lymphatic system disorder? We offer personal advice and fitting from simple travel support stockings to classic round-knit compression stockings and to highly effective made-to-measure flat-knit compression sets. There are a considerable number of stocking aids available for people who find it hard to put on the stockings on their own.

A selection of our offers

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Kompressionsstrümpfe Sigvaris

    There are numerous causes for poor circulation of the legs. Symptoms include swollen and painful legs and varicose veins. Compression stockings can alleviate these symptoms by means of gradually applying pressure from the outside. This effect is achieved by boosting circulation. This means that the stockings not only alleviate the immediate symptoms, but also very effectively prevent serious consequences, such as thrombosis.
    It is a challenge to find the right model in the optimal size and produced in the most effective manner among the many products on offer. Arrange an advice appointment with no obligation. Our specialists will be happy to help you.

  • Orthotec Orthopädietechnik Kompressionsstrümpfe Kompressions Sigvaris Ärmel

    Swellings in the area of the arm and hand are usually caused by a lymphatic system disorder. Round-knit and flat-knit compression sleeves and gloves are available to alleviate these symptoms. Precise measuring of the optimal compression device is decisive in terms of efficacy. Selecting the right material prevents excessive perspiration and increases wearing comfort.

Contact us, we’d be happy to advise you.

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