An artificial replacement for a part of the body.
This replacement for a part of the body may be purely cosmetic, for example individual fingers and toes, or its main purpose may be that of functional replacement.
The main task of lower extremity prostheses is to enable their wearer to walk and stand safely without restrictions on all possible surfaces.
For amputations that affect the hand or major parts of the upper extremities, the prostheses need to be comfortable to wear, but also need to be able to replace certain functions relating to the movements of the wrist, hand and fingers.
Stem forms and imprinting technology
There have been numerous innovations in the field of prosthetics over recent years. New stem shapes and impression techniques have been developed for amputations at all levels. New materials for designing stems, new mechanical-electronic and robotic knee and ankle joints and prosthetic hands have been developed intensively. The constant innovations mean that specialists need to be continuously further developing their knowledge and skills.
A selection of our offers
Foot, forefoot and toe prostheses
From silicone replacement toes to Syme prosthesesAmputations in the area of the foot often have a significant impact on standing and walking. Visual restoration of the normal body image also forms an important part of treatment. From a replacement for a little toe to a prosthesis for a Pirogoff amputation, we will look for the optimal solution with you.
Lower leg prostheses
From cosmetic care to sports prosthesesTranstibial amputation, i.e. the removal of the shin, is probably the best-known type of amputation. As a result there are numerous options and components in terms of prosthetic treatment. From the classic stem for with a soft socket to a prosthesis with a made-to-measure liner, we can provide our customers with what they need based on their individual requirements.
Knee disarticulation prostheses
From a standard stem to active-vacuum stump connectionIn knee disarticulation, the leg is amputated by cutting through the knee joint gap. This means that the foot and knee joint need to be replaced by prostheses. In addition to the components, stem forms have also undergone significant further development over recent years. However, the tried-and tested treatment techniques still have merit, too.
Upper leg prostheses
From the locked knee joint to the electronically controlled knee jointTransfemoral amputation describes the removal of the leg by cutting through the femur. A correspondingly large part of the leg needs to be artificially replaced. Extremely significant developments have taken place over recent years in the fields of stem design, stump connection, materials and components. Together with our customers we work out the optimal visual design combined with the most suitable components and materials.
Hip disarticulation prostheses
From equal weight distribution when sitting to a silicone pelvic harnessOne of the most difficult starting positions for prosthetic treatment is the amputation of the leg in the hip joint. Here, the three joint levels of foot, knee and hip need to be technically replaced. Connection to the body is also a challenge. The use of high-temperature (HT) silicone has significantly improved wearing comfort and prosthesis management. The new multiaxial knee joints also allow more physiological, more dynamic and safer walking for people who have had this type of amputation and decide against a wheelchair as their main means of moving around.
Shoulder disarticulation prosthesis
From cosmetic replacements to bionic armsAlthough amputations through the shoulder joint are, fortunately, extremely rare, there are still numerous treatment options available. A connection between the body and the prosthesis is not possible if none of the arm remains. Thanks to the use of silicone materials, overcoming this challenge is becoming increasingly feasible. The prosthesis itself can consist of myoelectronically controlled, mechatronic or mechanical components. We include our customers’ requirements in the decision about which components, material and production method to use.
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