Experience winter in a wheelchair with wheel blades

Fit for the winter in your wheelchair

Aids to help you get through the pitfalls of winter

Snow and ice are not only a source of winter joy. The cold time of year brings particular challenges with it for wheelchair users. Some people joke that hibernation is the best option. We believe there are a few other solutions for defying the elements and being able to move around better in snow and on black ice. Here are a few ideas about how you can make sure you and your wheelchair are ready for winter. We have many the aids listed below in our range. Simply call us and we will be happy to advise you without obligation. Because your #freedomofmovement matters to us.

TIP Make sure you visit the rehabilitation workshop once winter is over

A service for your wheelchair after the winter season will make sure that salt in the wheel bearings, wear and tear caused by grit, and other issues are eliminated.

Contact us, we’d be happy to advise you.

Leg blanket & foot bags for cosy warmth

Contact us, we’d be happy to advise you.

Contact us, we’d be happy to advise you.

This issue with a car in the snow

Clearing snow and ice from a car is awkward for wheelchair users. A shelter or a car heater are useful. De-icing spray, a long scraper or a thermal windscreen cover also help. However, sometimes your only option is to let somebody else help you.

Peter Reichmuth, Leiter Verkauf bei Orthotec, mit seiner Familie beim Skifahren mit dem Skibob

Image: Peter Reichmuth, Head of Sales at Orthotec, skiing with the skibob with his family.

Peter Reichmuth, our Head of Sales, is a wheelchair user himself. In this podcast he tells us how he would sometimes rather stay at home when a lot of new snow has fallen. However, he also likes to go out and enjoy the snow actively. There are various snow sports options for people with paraplegia and tetraplegia. And the appropriate equipment that you can rent on a trial basis.

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